The quick-fry fish and bittern duck noodle is the most famous noodle dish in Suzhou.
This rice dish dates back to the Sui Dynasty (581-618) and over the years after generations of chefs, has become one of the most famous Huaiyang dishes.
This dish uses split and braised silver carp head, roasted pig's head, and steamed crab meat with large meatballs.
This dish is an indispensable part of Huaiyang cuisine with a long, long history.
Crunchy sesame candy, including mainly crunchy rose-hemp candy, crunchy rose-lard candy, crunchy spiced-salt-lard candy, is the typical Suzhou pastry.
To cook the silver carp's head, it is first stewed for a long time until it is completely imbued with the source and is suffused with fragrance, and is tender and juicy.
This dish enjoys wide popularity because of its fresh taste and easy digestion.
The three-diced steamed are a particular Yangzhou favorite and stand out because of their soft and fluffy flour and savory fillings.
Squirrel-shaped Mandarin Fish is a traditional dish complete in color, smell, flavour and sound.