
Top 8 delicacies to eat in Xiamen

Updated: May 6, 2019 Print
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The main ingredients for misua paste are misua, coagulated pig blood, onion oil and seafood. [Photo/WeChat account: visitxm]

Misua paste (面线糊 mianxianhu)

The main ingredients used for making misua paste are misua, coagulated pig blood, onion oil and seafood.

All of the ingredients are boiled together into a misua paste, which presents a smooth taste. The dish used to be sold at corner stores in Xiamen, while now it can also be found at local restaurants.

Recommended restaurants:

Fuyu Mianxianhu

Address: 200 Xiahe Rd, Siming district, Xiamen

Kangyue Mianxianhu

Address: 23 Wenping Rd, Siming district, Xiamen

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