
Top 8 delicacies to eat in Xiamen

Updated: May 6, 2019 Print
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Fried vinegar pork is a standing dish for Xiamen residents. [Photo/WeChat account: visitxm]

Fried vinegar pork (炸醋肉 zhacurou)

Fried vinegar pork is a standing dish for Xiamen residents, so it is easy to prepare.

Shred the vinegar pickled pork, cot the pork strips with potato flour, fry the flour-coated pork strips until their surfaces turn golden yellow and then put them out onto a plate. The dish is ready to serve.

Recommended restaurants:

Taiguhui Minnan Restaurant

Address: Aoyong Square, Tiyu Rd, Siming district, Xiamen

Xianghe Yarou

Address: 15 West Xianghe Rd, Siming district, Xiamen

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