In 2024, a record-breaking nine enterprises from North China's Shanxi province were listed among China's Top 500 Private Enterprises. The entry threshold for the Top 500 Private Enterprises in Shanxi also increased significantly, with annual revenue reaching 3.33 billion yuan ($460.2 million).
In recent years, the province has continuously optimized its business development environment, stimulated internal growth, and improved promotion mechanisms to drive high-quality private sector development.
To enhance the province's business development environment, an inter-departmental joint meeting system has been established. This system involves 48 member units working collaboratively to promote the development of the private economy. A precise policy service system has also been constructed to provide comprehensive support.
Shanxi has implemented multiple strategic initiatives to stimulate innovation and internal growth. A notable effort is the innovation-driven platform "Shanxi Innovation Valley", which enhances the innovation capabilities and core competitiveness of private enterprises.
The province has also established a multi-tiered communication and problem-solving mechanism to enhance the private sector's high-quality development. This mechanism forms a closed-loop collection, handling, feedback, and follow-up process.
Additionally, a "1+N" service system for the private economy has been developed using online platforms and offline activities to enhance government services in policy inquiry, statistical monitoring, and business handling.