Hebei International School, also known as Shijiazhuang No 42 Middle School, is a provincial foreign language school in Hebei province. Founded in 1993, the school currently covers an area of 87,870 square meters.
As a foreign language school, it puts great emphasis on foreign language teaching. It employs experienced and highly qualified foreign teachers to offer language courses in English, French, Japanese and other foreign languages.
The school has established a reciprocal relationship with counterparts from more than 10 countries and has carried out a variety of friendly exchange activities. It has sent 116 excellent students and over 100 teachers abroad for further study.
With the permission of the Hebei Provincial Foreign Affairs Department, the Hebei Education Department and the Hebei Provincial Public Security Bureau, the school has been given permission to enroll overseas students. So far, there have been more than 100 students from Japan, the United States, South Korea, Hungry, Thailand, Belgium and Germany studying at the school.
Hebei International School was the first one in Hebei province to establish Confucius Classrooms in foreign countries. It built up the Confucius Institute in the United States.
Address: No 42 Wenyuan Street, Xinhua district, Shijiazhuang, Hebei province
Contact: +86-311-67697666
E-mail: hbsjz42zhong@163.com
Official websites: http://www.sjz42.com/index.asp (Cn)
http://www.sjz42.com/en_index.asp (En)