Shenzhen International Foundation College (SIFC) is located in Shenzhen, China. When it was founded in 2004, the school became the very first modern institute in China to provide formal university placement service and professional international education. At the time, SIFC was the only specialized international school that was approved by Education Bureau of Shenzhen Government in Guangdong Province, China. Currently, there are only three authorized colleges of this kind in China. After its establishment, it was further certified by the Education Department of Guangdong Province and China Ministry of Education. FU Tengxiao, the founder and president of SIFC, was a former member of the Peking University Doctoral Dissertation Defense Committee and former Executive Vice-President of the Normal College of Shenzhen University. The major programs SIFC provides include the American High School Program, the International Foundation Program (including pre-bachelor and pre-master foundation program), and "3+1" International Program. More than 200 local students are currently studying at SIFC.
Since SIFC's inception in 2004, thousands of students from the college have been admitted to Bachelor and Master Degrees from top universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. Recently, some of our students have been admitted to the following schools: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Columbia University, University of South California, London School of Economics, Durham University and The University of Sydney.
Founder and President: Fu Tengxiao
Tel:0755-26534780, 0755-26732100
Address: NO.3 Zhijiao Street, Qiaocheng Dong Road, Futian District, Shenzhen.