Shanxi Province

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Going deep, rising high

Updated: Aug.28, 2018 China Daily Print
Wanghuagou village on the cliff edge [Photo by Yang Feiyue/China Daily]

The mountain also hosts the cliff-side village of Wanghuagou. Stone-and-wood houses are connected to one another as log platforms serve as sidewalks high above the ground.

Visitors can see the 40 residents of the roughly dozen households herding sheep or farming on the mountainside.

Wang Yi, who traveled three hours from Shanxi's provincial capital, Taiyuan, to the area with friends, says it was "cool" to dine at a small restaurant in the village.

"It was interesting to see so much natural ice in the cave during this time of year," she says.

"I may return with my friends again next summer."

Indeed, given the area's ongoing tourism development, Wang may find herself among a growing number of visitors if she does.

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