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Guangzhou Huangpu (Suipu) Government Regulation [2023] No 7

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Notice of the Administrative Committee of Guangzhou Development District and the People's Government of Huangpu District, Guangzhou City on Issuing the Measures of the Administrative Committee of Guangzhou Development District and the People's Government of Huangpu District for Promoting Rural Revitalization and High-quality Development

To all departments directly under the Administrative Committee of Guangzhou Development District, and all sub-districts, towns, and government departments of Huangpu District: 

The Measures of the Administrative Committee of Guangzhou Development District and the People's Government of Huangpu District, Guangzhou City for Promoting Rural Revitalization and High-quality Development are hereby officially issued for implementation. Please report directly to the Huangpu District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs if any issue arises in the process of implementation. 

Administrative Committee of Guangzhou Development District  

People's Government of Huangpu District, Guangzhou City 

December 28, 2023

Measures of the Administrative Committee of Guangzhou Development District and the People's Government of Huangpu District, Guangzhou City for Promoting Rural Revitalization and High-quality Development

Article 1 Purpose and Applicability. 

In line with the specific conditions of Huangpu district, these measures are crafted to fully implement the significant statements and instructions from the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. They aim to thoroughly enact the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council regarding the rural revitalization strategy and adhere to the guiding principles of the Central Rural Work Conference. By rigorously enforcing the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Rural Revitalization, the measures on the Responsibility System for Rural Revitalization, and the Regulations of Guangdong Province on the Promotion of Rural Revitalization, these initiatives are set to effectively propel comprehensive rural revitalization. This will be achieved through implementing the program "High-quality Development of 100 Counties, 1,000 Townships, and 10,000 Villages", prioritizing the development of agriculture and rural areas, and maintaining the integrated development of urban and rural areas.

The Measures apply to all enterprises, institutions, modern agricultural industrial parks, rural collective economic organizations, village committees (residents committees), farmers (individuals), rural innovation and entrepreneurship personnel, and other entities engaging in the promotion of rural revitalization in Guangzhou Development District and Huangpu District of Guangzhou City, as well as industrial zones under their trusteeship and jurisdiction (hereinafter referred to as the District). 

Article 2 Food Security. The District shall coordinate regulation on the supply of grain and other important agricultural products, strengthen capability-building for guaranteeing emergency food supply, and reinforce supervision and administration in grain reserves, procurement, and sales; It shall take measures to ensure the District's state-owned grain depots are completed and put into use by 2025, and effectively reduce grain losses and grain storage costs; It shall keep in mind the "Big Agriculture" view and the "Big Food" approach, and take measures to advance the development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and build a diversified food supply system. (Responsible entities: the District Development and Reform Bureau and the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

The District shall promote the production of grain and other major agricultural products, stabilize grain planting areas, expand the planting of soybean and other oil crops, and implement subsidies for grain planters. For grain planters who grow grain crops of 15 mu (each mu equals 666.67 square meters) or more in the form of sole-cropping, they shall be subsidized 700 yuan per mu for growing rice and 800 yuan per mu for growing soybean or other oil crops. (Responsible entity: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

The District shall implement the campaign of protected agriculture modernization and upgrading, and annually arrange fiscal funds of no more than 10 million yuan to provide subsidies to modern protected agriculture projects with a total investment of more than 1 million yuan, with the subsidy amount equal to one-third of a project's total investment. For those projects that have received subsidies from the higher authorities, the District shall provide supportive subsidies at the maximal ratio of 1:1, but the total fiscal subsidies shall be no more than 50% of a project's total investment, and the maximum subsidies for each project are 5 million yuan. (Responsible entity: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

The District shall take measures to cultivate and reinforce leading agricultural enterprises, and offer one-time rewards of 500,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan, 50,000 yuan, and 30,000 yuan to those that have been recognized as leading agricultural enterprises by national, provincial, municipal, and district-level departments of agriculture and rural affairs, respectively; It shall provide one-time rewards of 500,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan for the primary cultivators of new crop varieties that have passed national and provincial authentication (or registration), respectively. (Responsible entity: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

The District shall guide the orderly transfer of land management rights and promote agricultural management on an appropriate scale. Within the valid period of this policy, the land contractor (transferor) who transfers a contiguous piece of farmland (including aquafarm and orchard land) and forestland with an area of more than 50 mu to a rural collective economic entity shall be given an annual subsidy of 500 yuan and 100 yuan per mu, respectively; The agricultural business entity (transferee) who signs a land management contract with a valid period of more than five years via the District's smart cloud platform for the transfer of rural collective funds, assets, and resources shall be given an annual subsidy of 500 yuan per mu for farmland (including aquafarm and orchard land) and 100 yuan per mu for forestland, respectively; the involved rural collective economic entity shall be given a one-time reward of 100 yuan per mu. (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and all townships and sub-districts)

Article 3 Farmland Protection. The District shall take more active measures to balance the occupation and replenishment of cultivated land, expand fertile cropland, and maintain the red line of farmland. The occupation of farmland shall follow the principles of "determining occupied areas based on replenished areas, conducting replenishment before the occupation, and ensuring dual balance in farmland management and regulation". Efforts shall be made to actively diversify the channels for farmland replenishment. The District shall comprehensively implement the farmland chief system and build a new farmland protection mechanism that "is extensive both horizontally and vertically and features networked operation and full coverage". (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and all townships and sub-districts)

The District shall make greater efforts to strengthen the construction, management, and preservation of farmland, increasing the maximal investment in high-standard farmland construction to 8,000 yuan per mu. Besides, Huangpu experimental fields totaling more than 2,000 mu will be built in areas including Yangtian, Xintian, Lingtou, Dajisha, and Changzhou, with priority given to meeting the demand of key agricultural projects for land (fields). (Responsible entity: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

Article 4 Technological Empowerment. The District shall advance the development and research of key and core agricultural technologies to break technical bottlenecks of agricultural development in fields like modern agricultural equipment and the seed industry. It shall annually arrange 10 million yuan to reward no more than 10 selected agricultural sci-tech innovation projects. A project that succeeds in making breakthroughs may receive a one-time subsidy equal to 30% of its total investment, with the maximum subsidy reaching 3 million yuan, and the commercialization of relevant research results shall be conducted in the District. (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the District Bureau of Science and Technology)

For agricultural sci-tech innovation projects that obtain special fiscal support from national, provincial, and municipal departments of agriculture and rural affairs, the District shall provide supportive funds equal to 100%, 50%, and 30% of the amount of relevant fiscal support, with the maximal amount being 5 million yuan, 3 million yuan, and 1 million yuan, respectively. (Responsible entity: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

The District shall support the construction of agricultural sci-tech innovation platforms and promote the display and promotion of "high-yielding seeds, high technologies, and cutting-edge equipment" in research institutions operating in the District. The research institutions that complete the commercialization of their scientific and technological achievements and realize an annual revenue of more than 10 million yuan can receive fiscal support equal to 3‰ of their revenue that year, with the maximum amount being 1 million yuan and no more than 80% of relevant commercialization of research results to the District's economic development. (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the District Bureau of Science and Technology)

The District shall steadily promote the construction and operation of modern agricultural industrial parks to realize a large-scale clustering effect and spillover effect radiating to related industries. Among provincial-level modern agriculture industrial parks that have passed the acceptance check and annual operation task assessment, each agricultural equipment and service industrial park that annually introduces private investment of no less than 30 million yuan or each seed industrial park that annually introduces private investment of no less than 20 million yuan can receive a subsidy equal to one-third of the private investment it has attracted that year within the valid period of the policy, with the maximum amount being 10 million yuan, for its sustained construction and operation. (Responsible entity: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

The District shall actively engage in the construction of a bioeconomy pilot demonstration zone, build a bio-agriculture industrial cluster, and formulate special policies on the development of bio-agriculture. It shall also build a bio-agriculture industrial cluster zone to gather leading bio-agriculture enterprises and establish a biomedical research platform a public service and a supportive resource-sharing mechanism. (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the District Development and Reform Bureau, and the District Bureau of Science and Technology)

Article 5 Land Guarantee. The District shall explore ways for comprehensive land consolidation and management throughout the District. It shall adopt an approach that "covers the entire District, all factors, all phases, and the full chain" to advance the consolidation and optimization of agricultural land, the intensive improvement of construction land, and the restoration of ecological spaces in the District. Through land consolidation and management, it shall use the additional quota for construction land arising from the reclamation of former construction land in rural areas as special construction land to meet the land demand of rural revitalization in the area where land consolidation projects are carried out. (Responsible entity: the District Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources)

The District shall establish a rural revitalization key project library of the District, and actively apply for provincial and municipal key construction projects and a special land quota for rural revitalization to municipal authorities. It shall incorporate the land used for rural revitalization projects into the District's annual construction land use plan, and ensure a certain proportion of the special construction land quota is used to meet the land demand of rural revitalization. (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources and the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

The District shall innovate land supply approaches by integrating measures such as incorporating into the contiguous land acquisition and development scope, segmented land supply for rural revitalization, and land supply for protected agriculture to satisfy the land demand of rural revitalization. (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and all townships and sub-districts)

Article 6 New-type Rural Collective Economy. The District shall deepen the reform concerning contracted farmland, homesteads, and collectively-owned commercial construction land in rural areas, promote the extension of expired rural land contracts, and ensure the stability of rural land contracting rights; explore the marketization of rural collective commercial construction land, and gradually build a unified urban and rural construction land market that features the same rights and prices, smooth circulation, and shared revenues; encourage the revitalization and utilization of idle homesteads and residences, and take multiple measures to improve farmers' property income. It shall also explore ways to protect the rights of members of rural collective economic organizations, actively develop the shareholding cooperation of farmers, and give farmers the right to possess, benefit, and withdraw from collective assets with compensation and the rights to asset mortgage, security, and inheritance, and bestow on them more property rights. (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the District Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, and all townships and sub-districts)

The District shall give full play to policies related to urban renewal, invigorate low-end and low-efficiency collective land, explore ways to integrate collective property leasing and urban renewal and achieve transformation and upgrading of collective industries. It shall innovate multiple modes to develop and strengthen the new-type rural collective economy, such as developing rural reserved land, upgrading village-level industrial parks, promoting the corporate operation of collective assets, and becoming shareholders with land management rights. (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the District Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, the District Urban Renewal Bureau, the District Bureau of Commerce, the District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, and all townships and sub-districts)

The District shall foster rural industries in a precise and pragmatic way, and actively introduce modern industrial projects. It shall improve the mechanism to unite and encourage farmers and implement the campaign to increase farmers' incomes. Rural specialized economic cooperation federations with a relatively weak collective economy are encouraged to support the government's efforts to attract and promote investment. A rural specialized economic cooperation federation that introduces manufacturing enterprises with an annual output of 100 million yuan or more or enterprises with an annual revenue of 50 million yuan in modern service industries such as scientific research and technological services, internet and related services, software and information technology services, leasing and commercial services, resident services, and accommodation and catering will be given a one-time fiscal subsidy of 200,000 yuan for every enterprise introduced, with the maximum total amount being 1 million yuan per year. (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the District Investment Promotion Bureau, and relevant townships and sub-districts)

Article 7 Financial Support. The District shall guide financial institutions to innovate agriculture-related financial products and services, explore the mode of whole-village credit granting, and raise funds to support public service facility construction and industrial development in rural areas. Rural collective funds are encouraged to participate in local infrastructure construction projects, key industrial projects, and rural revitalization projects. The District shall also explore the establishment of a risk compensation mechanism. (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Finance, the District State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau, and the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

Leading agricultural enterprises recognized by national, provincial, and municipal departments of agriculture and rural affairs that get loans from financial institutions for agricultural production and operation shall be given a subsidy equal to 50% of the interest on their loans, and the maximal subsidy for each enterprise shall be 1 million yuan per year, with the maximum subsidy period being three years. (Responsible entity: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

Article 8 Beautiful and Harmonious Countryside. The District shall vigorously step up the construction of model villages under the "100 Counties, 1,000 Towns, 10,000 Villages" project, and strengthen the industrial foundation by prioritizing the role of planning. Based on its resource endowments and advantageous industries, the District shall work hard to realize the goal of making villages strong and farmers rich using connecting villages and aligning villages and towns, villages and industries, and rural and urban areas. Villages that undertake the task of building "model villages" shall be given one-time fiscal support of 2 million yuan each. (Responsible entities: the District of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Office of the District Headquarters of the "100 Counties, 1,000 Towns, 10,000 Villages" Project, the District Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and relevant townships and sub-districts)

The District shall optimize and improve village planning, encourage villages to demolish old houses and build new ones according to unified standards, standardize the distribution of homesteads and the building of new houses in rural areas, strengthen the guidance and regulation on village and rural residence styles, and enhance the construction of public infrastructure. (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, the District Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Office for the Development and Construction of China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, and relevant townships and sub-districts)

The District shall encourage efforts to break the boundaries of administrative and natural villages through measures such as unified land acquisition and reserve, land swapping, and large-scale resettlement, and implement trans-village integrated transformation, to achieve contiguous planning and construction of newly built zones. (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, the District Urban Renewal Bureau, the Office for the Development and Construction of China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, and relevant townships and sub-districts)

The District shall encourage public welfare services through measures such as developing the rural digital economy, building smart and low-carbon villages, promoting intelligent healthcare services in villages, and exploring the establishment of a standardized smart service platform that can "offer a panoramic view of the village on a single screen and govern the entire village with one blueprint", to build future-oriented villages. (Responsible entities: the District Development and Reform Bureau, the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the District Bureau of Public Health, the District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, the District Government Services and Data Management Bureau, and relevant townships and sub-districts)

The District shall further promote equal access to basic public services in both urban and rural areas, step up urban-rural coordination and planning of high-quality education resources, advance the construction of public service facilities such as children's activity centers and libraries in rural areas, and improve the "one-stop services" of rural (community) Party and public service centers that integrate functions like administrative services, healthcare, daycare, senior care, supply and marketing, agricultural technology promotion, community services, and legal consulting. (Responsible entities: the District Development and Reform Bureau, the District Education Bureau, the District Bureau of Civil Affairs, the District Bureau of Justice, the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the District Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, and Tourism, the District Bureau of Public Health, the District Government Services and Data Management Bureau, the District Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, and relevant townships and sub-districts)

The District shall encourage the diversified participation of non-public forces in rural development, and guide planning and design institutes, universities, research institutions, and enterprises to give full play to their strengths in capital, technology, human resources, and market to boost rural revitalization and high-quality development. (Responsible entities: the District Investment Promotion Bureau, the District Education Bureau, the District Bureau of Science and Technology, the District Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, the District Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, the District Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, the District Bureau of Commerce, the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the District Water Authority, the District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, the Office for the Development and Construction of China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, and relevant townships and sub-districts)

Article 9 Rural Governance. The District shall strengthen talent introduction and cultivation for rural governance, and encourage villages to hire and introduce village CEOs, new village sages, etc. as village management personnel, technical specialists, rural revitalization consultants, and other positions. It shall take active measures to cultivate several countryside experts, advance the establishment of rural craftsmen teams, support the construction of think tanks on rural revitalization and reinforce the rural governance forces. Qualified individuals who return to their villages to start businesses, B&B hotels, and agritainment shall be given one-time financial support or rental subsidies. (Responsible entities: the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the District Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, and all townships and sub-districts)

The District shall uphold and develop the "Fengqiao Experience" of the new era, and make good use of the rural governance point redemption scheme to advance key tasks such as improving the rural residential environment, strengthening grassroots governance, promoting social civility in rural areas, and accelerating the construction of beautiful and harmonious countryside. It shall also give full play to the role of the integrated governance center as a "one-stop" physical platform to solve contradictions and disputes and stimulate villages' enthusiasm to participate in rural governance and dispute mediation. It shall actively step up the construction of demonstration villages for rural governance and the "peaceful countryside" initiative, and support the building of national and provincial civilized villages or demonstration villages (communities) for democratic and law-based development, national beautiful and livable villages, national beautiful leisure villages, the top 10 beautiful villages of Guangdong, and national and provincial beautiful courtyards. (Responsible entities: the Organization Department, Publicity Department and Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of the CPC Huangpu District Committee, the District Public Security Sub-bureau, the District Bureau of Civil Affairs, the District Bureau of Justice, the District Bureau of Housing and Uran-Rural Development, the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the District Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, the District Public Complaints and Proposals Bureau, the District Women's Federation, and all townships and sub-districts)

Article 10 Grassroots Organization Construction. The District shall support village Party organizations, colleges, universities, and research institutions in pairing up to build demonstration zones for rural revitalization and advance the establishment of Party organizations in agricultural management entities such as modern agricultural industrial parks, farmers' specialized cooperatives, and non-public agricultural service organizations. It shall also explore ways to set up Party organizations in new countryside demonstration belts and agricultural industrial chains and boost rural revitalization through actively pushing forward Party building. (Responsible entities: the Organization Department of the CPC Huangpu District Committee, the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and all townships and sub-districts)

The District shall strengthen administrative staff construction at the levels of townships/sub-districts, rural specialized economic cooperation federations, and rural economic cooperative organizations, enhance supervision on the performance of heads of rural economic cooperative organizations, and gradually increase the ratio of Party members among them, ensuring the ratio no less than 90%. It shall select and commend several "model village Party chiefs with a strong sense of responsibility for rural revitalization", and launch a special program to recruit "outstanding village leaders" into the team of township/sub-district officials. It shall also optimize the rewarding and assessment mechanism that aligns the salaries of village officials with their performances in the work related to rural revitalization and the "100 Counties, 1,000 Towns and 10,000 Villages" project. The salaries of officials who are labeled as "excellent" in the annual assessment shall be increased by a certain margin, and officials of rural economic cooperative organizations who are deemed as making outstanding performance in implementing the rural revitalization strategy and the "100 Counties, 1,000 Towns and 10,000 Villages" project in the annual assessment shall be given one-time rewards, to inspire the endogenous momentum for rural revitalization. (Responsible entities: the Organization Department of the CPC Huangpu District Committee, the District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Office of the District Headquarters of the "100 Counties, 1,000 Towns, 10,000 Villages" Project, and all townships and sub-districts)

Article 11 Supplementary Provisions. Upon the content of the Administrative Committee of Guangzhou Development District and the People's Government of Huangpu District, additional support can be provided to modern agriculture projects that introduce domestic and foreign academicians and world-class or nation-leading talents, projects that make key technical and industrial breakthroughs in modern agriculture, and other major projects that require special support. 

For the same project or matter that is qualified for fiscal support by both the Measures and other supportive policies of the District (including the incentive policies of higher authorities that require the District to offer support or funds), the higher reward and non-repetition principle shall prevail, unless it is otherwise stipulated. For projects recognized or selected for fiscal support at different levels, the District shall mend up the gaps in fiscal support by corresponding standards. The tax-related expenses shall be borne by the recipients of fiscal support. For those who commit fraud or falsely claim supportive funds, once verified, the recipients shall be subject to punitive measures such as public reprimand, suspension or recovery of supportive funds, and inclusion in credit blacklists accordingly. Once their acts are deemed as crimes, violators shall be held criminally liable according to the law. Those who enjoy fiscal support based on the Measures are required to sign a letter of commitment, and if the recipients violate the commitment, the fiscal support they received shall be returned. 

The Measures shall come into effect on January 1, 2024, and will be valid for three years. Meanwhile, the Implementation Measures of Huangpu District, Guangzhou Development District, and Guangzhou High-Tech Industrial Development Zone for the Development of Modern Agriculture (Guangzhou Huangpu (Suipu) Agriculture Regulation [2021] No.1) shall be abolished. In the event of any discrepancies between the Measures and any prior regulations of the District, the Measures shall prevail. 

Form of Disclosure: Active disclosure


CC: Party Working Committee of Guangzhou Development District, all departments of the CPC Huangpu District Committee, General Office of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, General Office of the District Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, District People's Armed Forces Department, Huangpu Sub-bureau of Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, District People's Court, District People's Procuratorate, and all people's organizations and state-owned enterprises directly under the District


General Office of the People's Government of Huangpu District, Guangzhou City            Issued on December 29, 2023

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