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China's first offline second-hand luxury shop expands operations in Hongqiao

Updated: Aug 30, 2023 en.shhqcbd.gov.cn Print
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The Zhi'er Transparent Warehouse at the South Hongqiao Area. [Photo/WeChat account: guojihongqiao]

The first offline second-hand consignment space for luxury goods under the transparent warehouse model in China has opened its second phase in the southern part of Shanghai Hognqiao International Central Business District (South Hongqiao).

The ZZER Zhi'er Transparent Warehouse opened in December 2022 in the Hubo underground passage of The Hub (Xintiandi).

Through the huge glass floor-to-ceiling windows, a variety of bags that are neatly placed on rows of shelves can be seen from outside the warehouse. 

From medieval darlings to luxury brands, from designer brands to luxury accessories, there are 100,000 items in the warehouse by more than 5,000 international brands.

Relying on the unique geographical advantages of the Hongqiao transportation hub, the store attracts an average of more than 100,000 visitors per month. The customer base has become more diversified over the past year, with many coming from Europe, the United States and Russia. 

The operator of Zhi'er said it will continue to expand its operations by adding a "Black Stone Area" in September. This area is mainly for consignment products with high unit prices such as Hermes and Chanel.  

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