
Huangshan city fully embraces the world

Updated: Aug 12, 2022 Print
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The prefecture-level city of Huangshan – located in Anhui province – is understood to have taken continuous steps towards opening up to the outside world and is continuing to do so, in order to vigorously expand its economy in the years ahead.

For instance, a number of key diplomatic events were held from March to April in the city's Tunxi district.

The district witnessed the third meeting of the foreign ministers of Afghanistan's neighboring countries on March 31. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi chaired the meeting – with the participants including the foreign ministers of Pakistan, Iran, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, or their representatives.

The Extended Troika Meeting on Afghanistan was also held there. Special envoys from China, United States, Russia and Pakistan attended.

In addition, foreign ministers from Zambia, Algeria, Thailand, the Philippines, Myanmar and Panama came to Tunxi to meet in mid-to-late March and early April.

The intensive round of diplomatic activities helped to further raise the international profile of Tunxi – which though small, is far from obscure. It is not only the center of Huangshan city, but also the center of Huizhou culture and Xin'an culture.

As Huangshan opens its doors wider to the outside world, it is also pursuing broader and deeper integration with others.

For example, an online event was held to promote Huangshan in New York – with China – in November 2021. In his speech Huang Ping, China's Consul General in New York, praised Huangshan Mountain as a famous scenic spot in China.

He added that it was considered a model of classical Chinese scenery and often appeared in the country's landscape paintings. The envoy said the high respect and recognition given to Huangshan in China's history had also contributed to a unique Huangshan culture.

As a tourist city of international stature, Huangshan has been increasing its exchanges and cooperation with other cities in the world in recent years. It has established sister cities with six cities in six countries, such as South Korea, Switzerland and Germany. The activities of sister cities in Huangshan are said to rank first among prefecture-level cities in Anhui province.

Huangshan has hosted three consecutive sessions of the Huangshan Dialogue on UNESCO-listed Heritage and Sustainable Development – in 2014, 2016 and 2018. In 2008, three members of staff from the Huangshan scenic area were selected by UNESCO as evaluators of Global Geoparks.

They have subsequently participated in field investigations for the application and evaluation of Global Geoparks in Italy, Spain, Japan and in other countries on behalf of UNESCO.

In addition to its beautiful scenery, the ancient Huizhou dwellings – with their white walls and black tiles – and the profound Huizhou culture, as well as tea production are also intrinsic to the enduring cultural legacy of Huangshan.

The history of the export of Huangshan's tea can date back to the 18th century. Songluo tea, produced in Xiuning county, was at that time shipped to the world together with silk and porcelain.

In 2021, Huangshan exported 59,000 tons of tea, accounting for nearly 90 percent of Anhui's tea exports.

Moreover, Qimen county joined the Sino-Russian Tea Road – or the 10,000 li (5,000 kilometers) tea road – in 2021.


The Sino-Russian Tea Road Cultural Relics Joint Exhibition is held in Huangshan on July 10. [Photo/WeChat ID: gh_fddd8e6b4139]

Furthermore, the Huangshan-Hefei-Tashkent freight train started operating in August 2021, adding a new land logistics channel for the export of Huangshan tea.


A freight train loaded with tea departs Huangshan – bound for Uzbekistan's capital, Tashkent, in August 2021. [Photo/WeChat ID: gh_fddd8e6b4139]

In addition, in mid-to-late October last year Huangshan organized several forums – such as the 2021 International Cultural & Creative Industry Development Forum and the Second Conference on Huizhou Studies – to promote the development of its culture and tourism.


The 2021 International Cultural & Creative Industry Development Forum is held in Huangshan in October. [Photo/WeChat ID: gh_fddd8e6b4139]

During the 2021 International Cultural & Creative Industry Development Forum, Huangshan signed up 13 projects to come and set up operations there. The companies included China Animation Comic Game Group and others and the combined investment was more than 3.5 billion yuan ($518.28 million).

Elsewhere, many foreign experts and academics attended the Second Conference on Huizhou Studies and more than 240 papers on Huizhou studies were received from more than 130 universities and research institutes from all over the world.

In June, the Anhui provincial government also organized a symposium aimed at transforming Huangshan into a world-class tourism destination. To top it off, the city is understood to be on track to achieve innovation-driven, high-quality development.

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