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National Anti-Cancer Week: "Cancer prevention and early action"

Updated: Apr 20, 2022 Print
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The 28th National Anti-Cancer Week themed on "Cancer prevention and early action" falls from April 15-21, 2022. Let's take a look at key facts about cancer prevention and treatment.

Essential facts and knowledge about cancer prevention and treatment

1.Cancer is a kind of chronic diseases that seriously endangers our health
1)Cancer is the general name of a class of diseases. Every year, there are more than 3.5 million new cancer cases and more than 2 million cancer deaths in China.

2)The most common cancers in China include cancer of the lung, breast, gastric system, liver, colon, esophagus, cervix, and thyroid. In recent years, the incidence rates of lung cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer have been rising significantly. The incidence rates of liver cancer, gastric cancer and esophageal cancer are still high.

3)Most cancers are the result of long-term accumulation of gene damage, changes in human cells and the action of external factors. It is a multi-factor, multi-stage and complex process. It usually takes decades to develop cancer cells.

4)Carcinogenic factors are very complex, and include external factors such as chemicals and physical and chronic infections, as well as internal factors such as heredity, immunity, age and lifestyle.

2.Cancer is preventable
1)The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that one third of cancers can be completely prevented; one third can be cured by early detection; and for the remaining third, medical measures can be adopted to prolong life, reduce pain and improve the quality of life.

2)We can prevent and control cancers through three levels of prevention. The primary level refers to etiological prevention, which means to reduce the damage from external adverse factors. The secondary level refers to early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment. The tertiary level refers to improving patients' quality of life, prolonging life and reducing pain.

3)It is internationally recognized that active prevention (such as health education, tobacco and alcohol control and early screening) and standardized treatment have a significant effect on reducing the incidence of cancer and resulting deaths.

4)Cancer incidence rates and mortality rates have been decreasing in some areas in China where cancer prevention and control strategies have been implemented.

3.Changing unhealthy lifestyles can prevent cancers
1)The WHO believes that cancer is a "lifestyle disease".

2)Smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, unreasonable dietary habits, alcoholism, stress and psychological tension are all risk factors for cancer.

3)Quitting smoking, consuming less alcohol, keeping a balanced diet, taking moderate exercise and maintaining a good mood can effectively reduce the incidence of cancer.

4)The incidence of cancer is a process of accumulation of risk factors. Cancer prevention and control is not just for the middle-aged and elderly. We should pay attention to cancer prevention as early as possible, and develop a healthy lifestyle from childhood.

4.Cancer is not contagious
1)Cancer is caused by genetic changes in its own cells so it is not contagious.

2)Some bacteria (helicobacter pylori) and viruses (HPV, hepatitis virus, EB virus) related to the incidence of cancer are contagious.

3)By maintaining personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle, vaccination (such as hepatitis virus vaccine and HPV vaccine) can avoid infection with related bacteria and viruses, so as to prevent the incidence of cancer.

5.Standardized prevention checkups can detect cancer early
1)Cancer-screening checkups are based on cancer risk assessment. Their purpose is to let people know their cancer risk, find early-stage cancer or precancerous lesions and carry out early intervention.

2)Current technology can detect most common cancers early. Lung cancer can be detected by low-dose spiral CT scans. Breast cancer can be detected by ultrasound combined with molybdenum targeting. Gastrointestinal endoscopy can be used to detect gastrointestinal cancer.

3)The interval of physical examination should be decided according to your age and previous medical examination results.

4)You should take cancer-screening checkups in professional institutions.

6.Early diagnosis and early treatment are the keys to improving the survival rate of cancer
1)The treatment effect of cancer and survival time of cancer patients are closely related to the time of discovery of cancer. The earlier the cancer is discovered, the better the treatment effect.

2)Pay attention to the cancer risk signals in the body, and go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment in case of the following symptoms.
Abnormal subcutaneous lumps;

Moles and warts that deepen rapidly in color or increase rapidly in size in a short time;

Abnormal feeling of the body: choking, pain, etc.;

An ulcer of the skin or mucous that does not heal for a long time;

Persistent indigestion and loss of appetite;

Stool habits and shapes change or bloody stool;

Persistent hoarseness, dry cough and blood in sputum;

Abnormal hearing, nosebleeds, headaches;

Abnormal vaginal bleeding, especially contact bleeding;

Painless hematuria and poor urination;

Fever of unknown origin, fatigue and persistent weight loss.

7.Choose a proper hospital for standardized treatment
1)For cancer patients, there are surgical and non-surgical treatments. Non-surgical treatment includes radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, endocrine therapy, and traditional Chinese medicine therapy.

2)Standardized treatment is a scientific summary of long-term clinical treatment. Designing a comprehensive treatment plan according to cancer types and stages is the starting point for curing cancer.

3)Cancer patients should go to proper hospitals for standardized treatment. Don't trust folk prescriptions or fake advertisements, so as not to delay the time of treatment.

8.Cancer rehabilitation therapy can prolong life
1)Cancer rehabilitation therapy includes psychological rehabilitation and physiological rehabilitation, which is the continuation and improvement of clinical treatment.

2)Cancer patients should be optimistic, keep balanced diets, take moderate exercise, take rational medication and have regular medical examinations.

3)Pain is the most common and main symptom of cancer patients. With the help of doctors, patients can deal with pain through scientific relief methods, and don't have to endure it.

4)We should confront cancer, adjust the body's immunity and maintain a good physical and mental state.

Source: Official Website of the National Health Commission of PRC

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