Hefei New Generation Artificial Intelligence Industry Development Alliance was established on Aug 6 to create a better environment for the AI industry in the city, according to the Hefei Development and Reform Commission.
The alliance consists of 322 members, including universities, scientific research institutes, financial institutions and enterprises, and is led by the Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center Artificial Intelligence Research Institute.
It will help AI-related units to cooperate with each other by organizing match-making meetings and keep members updated on the development trends in the AI industry.
The establishment of the alliance is also a response to the country's call for alliances of leading companies and institutes to promote the integration of AI resources and accelerate the development of the AI industry.
Hefei has won national support to build a next-generation AI innovative development experimental zone and was recently recognized by the central government for the rapid development of China Speech Valley, the first national industrial park to focus on AI and intelligent speech.
China Speech Valley is expected to be home to over 1,000 enterprises by the end of this year. Technology firms in China Speech Valley such as iFlytek, Huami, and GuoChuang Software Co Ltd play an important part in the alliance.