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Report on the Work of the Chengdu Government 2020

Updated: May 26, 2020 Print
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May 14, 2020

Delivered at the Third Session of the 17th Chengdu Municipal People’s Congress

Luo Qiang, Mayor of Chengdu

Fellow Deputies,

On behalf of the Municipal People’s Government, I will now report to you on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval. I also invite comments from members of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

On COVID-19 Prevention and Control

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak which caught us by surprise on the eve of the Chinese New Year 2020, we stood firm by the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important addresses and instructions; resolutely implemented the policies and plans made by the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee, the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, and the CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee; took the initiative to respond with all our might, and waged an all-out war joined by all our citizens against the pandemic. Our efforts have paid off, as the infection rate in Chengdu stood at one in 100,000, one of the lowest among the Chinese cities with a population of 10 million or above.

We adopted preemptive, solid and meticulous measures and spared no efforts to enable effective pandemic prevention and control. The CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee and Chengdu Municipal People’s Government acted swiftly upon receiving the instructions from the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee, and the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government for pandemic containment, and held a Municipal Government executive meeting on January 21 immediately to discuss the work of COVID-19 prevention and control.

We put up a shield at the earliest opportunity against inbound cases. From January 22 onwards, checkpoints have been set up at the airport, railway stations, highways and other gateways which are staffed with personnel 24/7 for the screening of imported cases from critical regions in China.

We strengthened the line of defense to prevent the spread of the pandemic in the city. Tourist attractions and other crowd-attracting venues were closed down; more than 600 major events were cancelled; lock-down were imposed on residential communities in both urban and rural areas; more than 490,000 personnel were mobilized to carry out a thorough screening which covered 63,700 communities.

We warded off imported infections with rigorous measures. A task force has been set up to work 24/7 at the Shuangliu International Airport. By following the state’s unified plan, the team carried out centralized health screening and whole-chain management for inbound passengers; 123 hotels for quarantine and over 10,000 personnel were mobilized, who offered service to 24,800 passengers.

We guarded against domestic rebounds with the utmost caution. We drew up and issued contingency plans; carried out double-blind drills; shored up health screening and management for inbound travelers from high-risk regions; ramped up screening efforts for asymptomatic cases; and carried out nucleic acid testing (NAT) for key population groups, to rule out any possible domestic epidemic rebound.

We adhered to the principal of putting the lives of the people above everything else and adopted solid measures for medical treatment and rescue. We have carried out early identification, reporting, diagnosing and quarantine of cases and pool together experts and resources to provide concentrated treatment for patients; we mobilized best-in-hand medical equipment and top-notch practitioners and designated 35 hospitals to receive all confirmed and suspected cases unconditionally; we developed tailored treatment plans integrating Chinese and western medicine doctrines and therapeutics for each patient, yielding a 98.2 percent recovery rate; we shored up emergency response by remodeling the Phase II of the Public Health Clinical Center of Chengdu and the Tianfu campus of the Chengdu Seventh People’s Hospital using only 14 days and assembled four batches of emergency response squads to remain on standby; we took solid measures to prevent hospital infection, and in the end no single case of infection among health workers has been reported; we offered care and assistance to the frontline health workers and their families to dispel any concerns or distractions they may have that might hold them back in the fight against COVID-19.

We maintained a “dual-pronged” approach to strike a balance between pandemic containment and city functioning to ensure the smooth and orderly operation of the city. We safeguarded the supply of basic necessities during the pandemic by mobilizing 24 key city-level suppliers to scale up their inventory and sourcing channels. Producers of anti-virus materials were mobilized to resume production even during the Chinese New Year holiday. Pertinent enterprises were supported to shift business lines into the production of face masks and protective clothing, increasing the production capacity of masks to 7,000,000 units per day. Administrative measures were reinforced to maintain public transport operations and utilities supply. Subsistence allowance, assistance and support for people in extreme difficulty, and price subsidies, totaling the amount of 813 million yuan, were paid out in full amount and on schedule, benefiting more than 544,000 people in need.

We adhered to the principles of taking targeted measures to accelerate the resumption of normal life, work and production. From February 3 onwards, work and production resumption have been promoted in an orderly manner on the premise of strictly implementing containment measures. Spring sowing has taken place without missing the golden time, and proper measures were taken to restart pig farming, reinstalling order in agricultural productions. Active measures were taken to facilitate the resumption and stabilization of industrial productions, and the Six Actions to Ensure the Resumption of Work were implemented to help businesses stabilize their supply chain. Flexible management and law enforcement featuring “permission of five practices and one adherence” were rolled out in the city, enabling the orderly recovery of the service industry. Close to 10,000 service coordinators were dispatched on a special mission to deliver preferable policies and offer service to businesses and help them resolve difficulties, during which aids were offered to the micro, small- and medium-sized enterprises and individual merchants, cutting corporate contributions to social insurance by 18.6 billion yuan. Differentiated return-to-school plans were adopted in tandem with rigorous containment measures to safeguard the health and safety of students and faculty members resuming on-campus education.

We have keenly realized, through this major test posed by the pandemic, that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s command and deployment and the centralized, unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee are the fundamental guarantee to winning the   battle against COVID-19, demonstrating the notable strength of the leadership of the CPC and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee, the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, and the CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee, Party organizations at various levels of our city have stayed true to the Party’s founding mission and shouldered responsibilities; Party members and cadres have risen to the challenge, performed their duties by making use of the advantages of community governance, and became the backbone of the joint prevention and control efforts; our citizens worked in solidarity with and helped one another, and jointly shored up a line of defense against COVID-19; our countless police officers, community workers, grassroots officials and volunteers worked day and night tirelessly; our business owners and entrepreneurs flocked in with donations, and responded actively to resume productions; and the leading retailers and strategic suppliers made sure their venues remained open, with no shortage of stock. Their efforts demonstrated a high sense of social responsibility, formed powerful synergy to navigate these tough times, and made substantial contribution to our fight against the pandemic. What deserves a special mention is that 237,000 health workers of our city risked their lives on the frontline, and 238 of them joined the aid squad to Wuhan and Ganzi unflinchingly. They raced against time and fought with death. Their actions demonstrated the love and nobleness of curing and caring for those in need. They are warriors who rode against the tide, the source of pride for the city and the most respectable people of this new era.

On behalf of the Municipal People’s Government, I would like to extend our utmost respect and heartfelt gratitude to the frontline health workers, community workers, scientific researchers, media workers, volunteers, grassroots Party members and officials, to the people of Chengdu, to the deputies of the Municipal People’s Congress, members of the CPPCC Chengdu Committee, the democratic parties, business and trade associations, personages without party affiliation, people's organizations, to organizations of central and provincial governments stationed in Chengdu, to officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army and armed police force, officials and police working for the people’s courts, the people's procuratorates and the organs of public security, fire fighters, and the militia and reserve forces based in Chengdu, and to our compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the overseas Chinese community, and friends from home and abroad, for your commitment and support for our prevention and control efforts and for the economic and social development of the city of Chengdu.

2019 in Review

2019 was a year of solid efforts, as we held close to heart the instructions from General Secretary Xi Jinping to Chengdu. We achieved a GDP of 1.70 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.8 percent, ranking seventh nationwide and rising one place up from last year. The total investment of fixed assets was increased by 10 percent. The total retail sales of consumer goods grew by 9.9 percent. The general public budget revenue grew by 7.9 percent over last year. The per capita disposable income of urban residents and rural residents rose by 8.9 percent and 10 percent respectively. We have accomplished the objectives and tasks set forth by the second session of the 17th Municipal People's Congress.

I. We continued to optimize the industrial structure, maintain a stable economic growth and enhance the quality of development.

Focusing on building the “5+5+1” modern industrial system with openness, we optimized the deployment of 66 industrial functional areas and 14 industrial ecosystems, and introduced 411 key projects with a total investment of 678.5 billion yuan.

Advanced manufacturing was bolstered. Revenue in five key sectors, including electronic information, equipment manufacturing, medicine and health, new materials and green food, exceeded 2 trillion yuan. The manufacturing industry accounted for 83 percent of the revenue of enterprises above designated size across the city. 161 projects, including BOE’s 6th generation low temperature polycrystalline silicon (LTPS) production line, were pushed forward with quicker steps. 172 projects, including Geely’s B-segment Modular Architecture platform and the MCU chip production line of Huada Semiconductor, were completed and put into production. Revenues of the high-tech industries of integrated circuits, new displays and bio-medicine all registered a growth of well over 15 percent. The industrial value-added of enterprises above designated size grew by 7.8 percent.

Modern service industry continued to expand and grow. Five major emerging service industries were developed at accelerated pace; featured shopping blocks were upgraded and new consumption scenarios were created in communities; the very first set of standards for cosmetic surgery industry nationwide was published and an addition of 473 brands opened their first stores in Chengdu; greater initiative and marketing efforts were taken to explore and develop lower tier markets; and the added value of service industry reported a 8.6 percent growth last year.

Modern urban agriculture made steady progress. With deepened implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, high standard farmland of about 20,467 hectares were newly developed, which further lifted the city’s capacity to ensure food security; Zhanqi Village and Anren Ancient Town were rated as national models for rural tourism development; rural tourism across the city generated an income totaling 48.92 billion yuan while the value-added of agriculture increased by 2.5 percent.

New economy gathered momentum and fostered new growth drivers. A host of major innovation projects broke ground, including Chengdu Supercomputer Center and Chengdu Guodun Center for Integrated Innovation; 20 Chengdu-based projects won the 2019 National Technology Award; 5 state-local joint engineering research centers and 3 state-accredited enterprise technology centers were approved. The plan of provision of application scenarios was implemented with the release of List of Opportunities in Chengdu; tiered cultivation of new-economy enterprises and the Double Hundred Project, a project that facilitates enterprise incubation and talent acquisition, were deepened, harvesting a net increase of 83 new-economy enterprises above designated size. The Chengdu Migrant Talent Recruitment Plan brought in 140 high-caliber innovative talents and entrepreneurs as well as 14 top-notch teams. In addition, the Rongbei(Gems of Chengdu) Software Talent Program was launched to attract and cultivate software talents. As a result, the revenue of the software industry registered 350 billion yuan, an increase of 14.9 percent. The number of high-tech companies increased by 1,036, and revenue of the high-tech industry reported a growth of 11 percent.

Financial sector grew with stronger ability to serve the real economy. The bases of Shanghai Stock Exchange and National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ, known as the New Third Board) in western China were settled in Chengdu, and the city welcomed 13 more listed companies, including seven A-share listed companies, raising the total number of onshore and offshore companies to 106, ranking first in central and western China. Outstanding loan balance of domestic and foreign currency by financial institutions increased 11.7 percent. The Jiaozi “5+2” Platforms of Financial Service launched in Jiaozi Fintech Center provided investment and financing service to some 100,000 enterprises. The state-owned assets securitization rate of state-owned enterprises of Chengdu reached 50.5 percent, the total assets of which grew by 20.1 percent.

Regional collaboration continued to deepen. The strategy of "developing one main pillar and multiple pivots and promoting coordinated development of five economic zones" was further implemented; in the tour by Chengdu enterprises to other cities and prefectures in Sichuan Province, 238 projects with a total planned investment of 159.6 billion yuan were signed. We continued to deepen collaborations with Chongqing, and signed cooperation agreements with Nanning, Guiyang, Guilin and Qinzhou. The construction of Sichuan-Guangxi International Industrial Capacity Collaboration Park has kicked off.

II. We continued to improve services and promote reform,and significantly improved the business environment.

The “1+10” Action Plan was issued and Version 2.0 of Policies on Optimizing Business Environment were released. Chengdu was rated as China’s Benchmark City for International Business Environment in 2019.

Market regulation was improved and driven forward by innovation. Chengdu pioneered in adopting the “three lists” approach for administrative punishment in China and vigorously promoted inclusive, prudent and flexible law enforcement. Chengdu International Arbitration Center and the Belt and Road International Commercial Mediation Center in Southwestern China were put into operation. Campaigns dedicated to intellectual properties protection were carried out continuously.

Reforms to streamline the government, delegate power, and improve government services were deepened. The Commitment System for Investment Projects of Enterprises was fully implemented in the industrial functional areas, and the commitment time was cut down to 60 working days. The time of filing procedure and administrative approval for construction projects was reduced to 90 working days, and business incorporation applications now can be completed within one day. The entire process of public resources trading went paperless.

Private-sector maintained healthy growth. Stringent measures were taken to clear payment arrears owed to private firms and small and medium-sized enterprises; more than 600 issues of private companies were resolved through dedicated initiatives; tax cuts and reduction of administrative fees were put in place, lowering new payment of government levies of over 55 billion yuan. Chengdu became home to over 2.5 million market entities, ranking second among sub-provincial cities; and the added value of private economy reported a 7.9 percent increase in 2019.

Internet-based Governance was pushed forward. The Municipal Internet-based Governance Center (the brain of the city) were built and put into operation. The "data convergence" initiative was further implemented, gathering up 4 billion pieces of data under 643 categories and forming 17 smart systems. The Tianfu Citizen Cloud platform was continuously optimized, serving over 100 million person times in aggregate. By creating the business edition APP of the internet-based administration platform and upgrading the citizen edition APP, accessible and convenient services were provided to businesses and citizens alike.

III. We continued to expedite the construction of a park city and improve the functions and quality of the city.

The urban planning and the development of the general guidelines for building a beautiful and livable park city were completed, in which characteristics of the park city were highlighted and its ecological values were fully taken into consideration. The first International Park City Forum was held.

City layout continued to be optimized. The “East Expansion” urban development strategy was pressed on with quicker steps; the strategic plan for the development of East Chengdu New Area was finalized with high quality; the Three Cities and Two Parks project was propelled; 108 key projects broke ground; the main attraction area of Danjingtai in the Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park opened to the public; and the eastern area registered 149.37 billion yuan in fixed asset investment for the whole year. High-quality development demonstration zone in the “South Advancement” area has kicked off; Tianfu New Area forged ahead with high-level development; key eco-friendly projects like the Luxi River eco-zone were put into operation; 86 key projects, including Huawei Kunpeng Eco Base, were introduced; and the area registered 194.48 billion yuan worth of fixed asset investment for the whole year. The ecological functions of the “West Conservation” area were upgraded; the western area of Chengdu was approved as a national pilot zone for urban-rural integrated development, as well as a pilot area for establishing giant panda national parks. For the “North Renewal” area, the role of being a transportation hub was reinforced; and efforts were stepped up to build the Jintang-Qingbaijiang-Xindu Belt and Road Port Area. For the “Central Optimization” area, efforts were shored up to polish the city image by giving Jinjiang Park a better look, digging into the cultural value of the Tianfu Jincheng area, the core area of Tianfu culture, and rendering the “eight streets, nine lanes and ten scenic views”.

Urban infrastructure was enhanced. Expansion and upgrade of the North Railway Station have been quickened; and the Longquanshan tunnel of Tianfu International Airport expressway was completed; Phase I and II of Metro Line 5 and Phase II of Metro Line 10 were put into operation; the functioning mileage of the city’s metro has exceeded 300 kilometers while another 335 kilometers are under construction; 14 TOD pilot projects have  kicked off; the demolishing of  illegal buildings in public areas and walls hindering the opening of space and increase of open space in the city was carried out extensively, adding 7.52 million sqm open space; shanty towns, derelict buildings and yards have been renovated, with 16,8000 village-in-city households having their housing upgraded; the Three Year Critical Battle for improving public facilities in the main urban districts was continued, with 638 new projects completed; sewage treatment capacity increased by 300,000 tons per day, and 609 new or remodeled public toilets were completed; the very first "physical examination" of the city was conducted; and Chengdu’s position as an international and regional communications hub was constantly strengthened, with 10,032 5G base stations completed.

Construction of beautiful countryside was accelerated. Development of rural road infrastructure were beefed up, and structurally deficient and possibly unsafe bridges were revamped; the Beautiful Chengdu & Livable Countryside initiative was fully launched, accelerating the construction of 30 signature townships (streets) and the restoration 107 high-quality Linpan; and the renovation of the toilet facilities for 296,000 rural households was completed.

Ecological environment saw visible improvement. The Ten Major Tough Battles on Pollution Control continued to press ahead; the problems detected by the environment protection inspection and the “looking-back inspection visits” by the Central Government and the Provincial Government were properly addressed; 24 technology-based pilot programs fighting against air pollution were launched, including smart purification system for smoke exhaust, yielding a decrease in average PM10, PM2.5 concentration by 5.6 percent and 6.5 percent respectively; we enjoyed 287 good-air-quality days throughout last year, with no single day of heavy pollution reported, renewing the record since the enactment of new air quality review criteria in 2013; the river chiefs system was implemented comprehensively, and good/excellent water bodies grew by 15.2 percent; the quality of the soil environment remained stable; key eco-preserving projects—including the Jincheng Park—were expedited, with 822 kilometers of greenways of all tiers newly finished, and forestation rate reaching 39.9 percent; investigation and rectification were carried out on illegal non-agricultural residential units and villas built without permit; waste classification was promoted with vigorous efforts; the construction of a national low-carbon pilot city was enhanced on all fronts, and the city was approved to be built as a pilot city for national ecological civilization development. With lush mountains in sight, lucid waters nearby, and scenic views available at a stone’s throw away, green has become the most prominent color on the backdrop of Chengdu.

IV. We continued to push forward four-directional expansion and yielded notable results in all-front opening-up by active integrating into the Belt and Road initiative and development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, comprehensively implementing of the Four-directional Expansion and All-front Opening-up strategy, and expediting the development of Chengdu as an international gateway and hub city.

Expansion of outbound passageways was in full swing. The main projects of terminals of Tianfu International Airport reached completion, and the project of expanding and upgrading Shuangliu International Airport drew to a close; 15 new regular direct international (regional) flight routes were launched; the passenger throughput of the airport reached 55.859 million person times; and the number of inbound and outbound travelers at the airport registered more than 7 million person times; the Chengdu-Guiyang high-speed railway was launched into operation; the construction of Chengdu-Zigong high-speed railway, Chengdu-Lanzhou railway, Chengdu-Nanchong-Dazhou-Wanzhou high-speed railway and Chaoyang Lake-Tianfu Station section of the Sichuan-Tibet railway was speeded up; Chengdu has become one of the two hubs at the start of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor in western China, with international freight trains connecting to 26 overseas cities, 3,186 journeys made throughout the year, and both the annual and accumulated numbers of freight train trips between Chengdu and Europe ranked first among the rail freight services of China Railway Express to Europe.

Platforms and carriers became more diversified. The Pilot Free Trade Zone registered 42,000 new business tenants with a registered capital of 418 billion yuan, ranking the top among the third batch of Pilot Free Trade Zones in China; experience drawn from two reform pilots and three best practice cases were promoted nationwide; the construction of national-level cooperative parks picked up pace; the establishment of Chengdu International Railway Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone was approved; designated supervision facilities for imported meat products and refrigerated seafood at Shuangliu International Airport were launched into operation.

Economic and trade cooperation bore fruitful results. Chengdu actively participated in the 2nd China International Import Expo and the 16th China-ASEAN Expo. The “100-day Challenge Competitions” and the Foreign Investment Promotion Season events were held to attract investors; 447 key projects, including Chengdu industrial base of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation were signed; 578 new foreign-invested enterprises were approved, and the number of Fortune 500 companies presented in Chengdu increased to 301. Extended efforts were made to optimize the geographical and product structure of imports and exports, as a result of which the total trade with the European Union and ASEAN rose by 36.5 percent and 20.6 percent respectively, making Chengdu the top city of foreign trade in western China and making ASEAN the largest trading partner of Chengdu.

International exchanges continued to deepen. The 8th Trilateral Summit Meeting among the PRC, ROK and Japan and the 7th China-Japan-ROK Business Summit took place in Chengdu; the 14th EU-China Business and Technology Cooperation Fair and Innovation Forum for Mayors of International Sister Cities of Chengdu were successfully held; 19 nations to date have been approved to set up consulates in Chengdu; sister city or friendly cooperative city relationships with 103 cities around the globe have been built; and the 144-hour visa-free transit policy was implemented for foreign nationals of a select list of countries.

V. We continued to advance the building of a world famous cultural city and present Tianfu culture in our times.

We forged ahead in shaping Chengdu as a World Famous Cultural and Creative City. The construction of Chengdu Museum of Nature and Sichuan University Museum cluster was speeded up; 88 new cultural and creative blocks and 661 dedicated spaces for culture and creativity were newly added; Ne Zha, a film produced in Chengdu, set a new box office record for made-in-China animations; the 7th Chengdu International Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival, the 5th China (Chengdu) International Science and Fiction Conference and a series of major branded events of the cultural and creative industry were successfully held; the cultural and creative sector registered a value-added of 145.98 billion yuan.

We enhanced the endeavor of building a World Famous Tourism City. 24 key tourism projects including the TUI project were introduced; Chengdu International Panda Resort Project kicked off; the city of Dujiangyan became one of the first all-for-one tourism pilot areas; 60 tourist destinations were created in the promotion program of New Tourism, Stylish Chengdu, and a series of events including the Chengdu International Tourism Fair and the Global Travel Buyers in Chengdu were hosted. We received 280 million tourists to our city last year, generating 466.35 billion yuan of total tourism revenue, up by 25.6 percent.

We made noticeable progress in developing a World Famous Sports City. We successfully hosted the 18th World Police and Fire Games, and won the bid to host the 31st FISU Summer World University Games Chengdu 2021, the 2022 World Team Table Tennis Championships, the 2025 World Games, as well as to co-host the 2023 Asian Cup; the Chengdu Marathon has been announced a candidate to become an Abbott World Marathon Major; the preparations for the 31st FISU Summer World University Games Chengdu 2021 were in full swing, with slogans, emblems and mascots unveiled and construction of the Dong’an Lake Sports Park and the athletes’ village speeded up.

We made outstanding achievements in building an International Capital of Music. The Chengdu City Music Hall and Chengdu Open Air Music Park in Phoenix Mountain were completed and in operation. The 12th Chinese Golden Bell Award for Music and the 25th “Autumn in Chengdu” International Music Season drew to a magnificent close; more than 1,700 music performances and 3,000 street art performances took place; Chengdu University Students Chorus received a gold prize at the World Peace Choral Festival; and the music, film and TV industry grew by over 20 percent for both output value and investment.

We further promoted the building of an International Capital of Exhibitions and Conventions.  866 major exhibitions and conventions including the first Chengdu Fair of IE Expo China and the 100th Food & Drinks Fair were successfully hosted, and the number increased by 25.7 percent; we also won the bid to host the 18th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum.

We continued the efforts to build Chengdu as an International Capital of Gastronomy. The Chengdu Panda Asian Food Festival and the Chengdu International Food Festival were held; 44 established gourmet producers from home and abroad were introduced, five Top 100 national catering businesses were fostered, and the development of 32 gourmet clusters, among which are the International Town of Sichuan Cuisine and the special blocks for time-honored brands was accelerated.

VI. We continued to improve people's wellbeing and develop Chengdu as a city with warmth.

Targeted poverty alleviation was further deepened. The Five Major Actions for poverty alleviation were solidly carried out, and the looking-back inspection visits to rectify the residual problems were completed to guarantee necessities, compulsory education, basic health care and housing. Six one-on-one aiding-Tibet missions were conducted, with 451 aid programs implemented and 450 million yuan of public funds invested.

Employment facilitation and social security efforts saw solid improvement. Supportive policies were beefed up in the aid of key groups including university graduates, veterans and rural migrant workers. Proper support was provided to employers to maintain their employment, with 2.75 billion yuan in unemployment insurance paid out. 264,000 more urban jobs were created, keeping the registered urban unemployment rate at 3.3 percent. Dynamic measures were taken to ensure that every household has at least one member employed. Basic pension and medical insurance enrollment and renewals were offered to veterans.

Education remained high on the development agenda. The initiative of cultivating excellent schools in neighborhood was launched, adding 100,000 new enrolment places at kindergarten, primary and secondary schools. After-school service was offered at all primary and secondary schools, and the children of 397,000 migrant workers have gained access to compulsory education in Chengdu. Chengdu Polytechnic and Chengdu Agricultural College were included in the program of building high-level higher vocational schools, disciplines and specialties. Chengdu was named as one of the winners of the UNESCO Learning City Award.

Public cultural service was reinforced. 44 community-level comprehensive cultural service pilot centers were established, and the opening hours of all public libraries and cultural centers were extended free of charge. Diversified 100, 000 cultural events were held for people’s benefits.

Public health endeavors developed at an accelerated pace. 4,315 newly increased inpatient beds became available; 20 hospitals passed the on-site review for Tertiary Hospital assessment; seven more TCM hospitals passed the Class A Tertiary Hospital assessment, and Chengdu now accommodates 15 additional key provincial level medical disciplines. 670 projects aiming at enhancing the capabilities of community healthcare organizations were completed, enabling full coverage of medical resources at the community level. Public health security was shored up. A three-year action plan for building an emergency medical aid system was implemented, and a branch of the National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease spearheaded by Professor Zhong Nanshan was introduced into Chengdu. Over 86 percent of district (city) and county-level disease control institutions across Chengdu were graded Class A Secondary Hospital or above. 94 new day care centers for urban and rural communities and 226 senior citizen dining aid stations have been made available. Aid was provided to 10,000 elderly households with difficulties for elderly-oriented renovation. Last year was the eighth time for Chengdu being awarded the National Health City.

Social governance was shored up. Crackdown on organized crimes was scaled up, and a robust comprehensive and information-based Social Security Protection System was built. Solid efforts were made to promote urban and rural community development governance, and the “100-day Battle for a Safe Community” project was carried out, establishing a long-acting mechanism for building safe communities. The Home for Mass Work was rated the best public welfare pilot project 2019. The police stations of Huangwa Street and Chunxi Road were among the first batch to be awarded the “Fengqiao-model Police Station” of China.

Prevention and mitigation of significant risks proved effective. Efforts were focused on mitigating financial risks and generally keeping the risk of government debt under control. A smart market entity monitoring platform was developed, and classified credit rating regulation was launched. Solid actions were taken to reinforce the regulation of food and drug safety, where 10,000 units (times) of campus canteens and catering suppliers were troubleshooted. A clean network operation was carried out targeting the medical equipment sector. The Mayor’s Working Meeting issued monthly warning notification on the city’s security risks. Solid efforts of flood prevention, disaster relief, and geo-hazards prevention and control were made. A real-time monitoring system for major hazards and a security risk e-map for hazardous chemicals were developed. 38 city-level professional rescue teams were assembled, carrying out routine emergency double-blind drills. The production security accidents and fatalities in the city were decreased by 23.2 percent and 16.2 percent respectively.

Non-staple food supply was guaranteed. The city exhausted all avenues to stabilize the supply and price of agricultural produce, with 40,000 hectares vegetable bases consolidated and improved. Ongoing efforts were made on the market price monitoring and pre-alarming of key agricultural products like pork and vegetable. Active measures were taken to cope with the impact of African swine fever, and the Ten Measures for stabilizing pig-breeding and securing market supply were developed. 790 million yuan of necessity price subsidies was distributed, benefiting over 5.11 million people in difficulty. The consumer price rose by 2.8 percent.

Housing guarantee was strengthened. The government reiterated that housing is for living, not speculating, and the real estate market maintained stable and sound growth momentum. The implementation of rent subsidy for public rental housing and rental and selling quota for low-income housing was expedited. There were 13.62 million square meters of new and continuing construction of talent apartments and supporting apartments in industrial functional areas.

Chengdu has been awarded as the Happiest City in China for 11 years in a row. In Chengdu, people chasing their dreams have opportunities. People full of passion for life have stages. People in difficulties are supported.

VII. We continued to reinforce Party self-governance and pursued a more pragmatic and efficient approach in performing our duties.

Full and strict Party discipline was excised along with reinforced accountability system. The “staying true to our founding mission" campaign was carried out, and incredible thoughts and efforts were poured into the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, further reinforcing the sense of mission among government officials. We prioritized political progress as always, laid out strict political discipline and rules, built up a tough accountability system for anti-corruption within the Party, and avoided formalism and bureaucracy of all forms.

Law-based administration was pushed forward. The resolutions and decisions of the Municipal People’s Congress and its standing committee were rigorously executed and the democratic supervision from the CPPCC Chengdu Committee was welcomed. 563 entries of comments from the People’s Congress deputies and 710 proposals from the CPPCC Chengdu Committee were processed. Proposals were made to the Municipal People’s Congress to enact six new local ordinances, abolish one local ordinance, and amend four government regulations. 29 institutionalized law study sessions were held before the Municipal Government’s executive meetings. The implementation of administrative reconsideration and response to litigation systems were pressed ahead steadily.

Governance capacity was further lifted. The decision-making procedure on key administrative issues and the decision-making mechanism for major issues, appointment and removal of important cadres, arrangement of important projects, and the use of a large sum of money, were implemented with rigor. Solid efforts were made to reinforce think tank development, and feedbacks from the people were actively collected. Government paperwork and convening procedures were streamlined to alleviate the workload of community-level officials. Solid advancements have been made on the institutional reform and the adjustments of the administrative division of townships (sub-districts). 3.347 million letters and calls from the general public were received, of which 86.6 percent were resolved, yielding a 91.8 percent public satisfaction rate.

Fresh progress has been registered on the fronts of national security, state defense mobilization, firefighting, civil protection and “Military-Civilian Mutual Support” while the work on the audit, statistics, archives, government secrecy, meteorology, postal service, counseling, chorography, philosophy and other social sciences achieved new highs. And new results were yielded from our work in areas including ethnicity and religion, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan affairs, women and children, adolescence, the elderly, the disabled, charity, to name but a few.

We are soberly aware of the fact that we still have problems and areas for improvement in Chengdu’s economic and social development. Society-wide investment in R&D is insufficient; high-caliber talents are comparatively lacking; and innovation is not strong enough in supporting the economic and social development. Urban and rural integration should be taken further, and we need to move faster in advancing the integration of Chengdu, Deyang, Meishan and Ziyang cities. We are still facing pressing challenges of air, water and soil pollution, and need to further reinforce what we have achieved so far in improving the natural environment. We also need to speed up the transformation toward a green and low-carbon economy and society. West- and south-bound opening-up could be dialed up in terms of scope and depth, and we need to further build our competitiveness in the global market on a wider scale and higher plane. Our key public service facilities could be improved further, and our ability of handling major public health emergencies should be enhanced. An imbalance remains in the supply and demand for elderly care services, and more seats at public kindergartens are needed. Government agencies need to further enhance the proactiveness and level of expertise in public services. We will take forceful measures to solve those problems, so as to live up to people’s expectations by delivering tangible results.

Work Plan for 2020

The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has dealt an unprecedented blow to China’s economic and social development. A pronounced increase in uncertainties and instabilities has appeared due to the onward global spread of the pandemic and the downward development of the world economy, which have resulted in a 3 percent decrease in Chengdu’s GDP in the first quarter, a 7.2 percent decline in society-wide fixed asset investment, a 13.5 percent drop in the total retail sales of consumer goods, and a 1.9 percent reduction in the value-added of industries above the designated scale, mounting pressure on maintaining sustained economic growth. At the same time, we are also faced with opportunities brought by the state’s economic recovery policies, the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle initiative, as well as the new economy and new consumption spawned by the very pandemic. Given the impacts and uncertainties posed by COVID-19, we hereby propose the following: to maintain the 2020 GDP above the provincial average, keep Chengdu in the first echelon of cities of sub-provincial level, align the growth of the regular public budget revenue (using the same calculation method as the previous year) with the trend of economic growth, generally stabilize the job market, and further reduce the energy consumption per 10,000 yuan of GDP, and the emission of main pollutants.

The guiding principles for the work of this year are as below:

We will take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide; further implement the series of crucial instructions made by General Secretary Xi on Sichuan and Chengdu; enhance the consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, uphold the leadership core, and keep in alignment; fortify our confidence in the socialist path, theories, system and culture with Chinese characteristics; resolutely uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position of the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and resolutely uphold the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership; adhere to the decisions made by the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, and the Municipal Party Committee; seize the key strategic opportunities presented by the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle and other initiatives; focus on the objectives of building a well-off society in an all-round way; coordinate the efforts for pandemic control and the economic and social development; with a commitment to the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, we will excise the new development philosophies; focus on supply-side reform; drive quality growth with reform and opening-up efforts; seek victory in the Three Critical Battles; we will strive to keep employment, the financial sector, foreign trade, foreign and domestic investments, and expectations stable, and secure employment, improve livelihood, support market entities, ensure food and energy security, maintain stability of the supply chain and the industrial chain, and to ensure the sound grassroots development. We will carry out the Six Actions, so as to safeguard the big picture of economic growth and social stability, expedite the development of Chengdu as a pilot park city practicing new development philosophies, and spare no resources in meeting the three-step strategic goals of ushering Chengdu into the new era.

Staying alert and putting solid and meticulous routine pandemic containment efforts in place is what will benefit and safeguard the full-on resumption of socioeconomic order and normality. Moving forward, we shall keep institutionalized pandemic control measures, make sure that the vast majority are enjoying the convenience and the very few are kept under control. Dynamic revisions will be made to measures designed to prevent imported cases and the second time domestic outbreak, and a robust routine prevention mechanism will be built, featuring “timely discovery, speedy handling, precise control and effective treatment”. Citizens will be given instructions on prevention and protection, and the capacity of pandemic control at rural areas, communities and other community-level areas will be further strengthened. Proper preparations will be made for precision emergency response and regular drills will be organized to constantly reinforce the achievements of the pandemic prevention and control. Expedited efforts will be made in restoring the socioeconomic order.

We will also focus on the following areas for the rest of the year:

I. Elevate the energy level of the city, foster collaboration to fully roll out the development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle.

The key strategies of the CPC Central Committee will be fully implemented to markedly advance the development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle, forming a key growth pole for high quality development in western China.

Make a promising start to developing Chengdu into a pilot park city practicing new development philosophies. We will adopt a scientific approach to put together the master plan and action plans and pioneer the urban planning, operation and governance under new development philosophies. We will rigorously promote innovation of systems, draw up lists of opportunities, reforms and policies in areas of the new economy, park city development, community development and governance, and so forth. We will plan and execute a series of key projects of novel infrastructure, international sporting events and public service initiatives, and accelerate the scale-up of the energy level of Chengdu.

Deepen collaboration and deliver on a new rendition of “A Tale of Two Cities” in Chengdu and Chongqing. We will solidly implement the cities’ partnership strategy centering on the target positioning as important economic center, scientific and technological innovation center, new high land for reform and opening-up and comfortable place for quality life with national influence. We will work together to strive for national endorsement for releasing planning guideline and relevant project planning for the dual-city economic circle development, and seek support in building an international technological innovation platform, developing major rail passageway, and encouraging industrial growth of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle. We will be pragmatic and take steps in the cities’ collaborative efforts, jointly push for an early start of the construction of a new line of Chengdu-Chongqing high-speed railway, jointly promote exchanges between colleges and universities in Chengdu and Chongqing, jointly incubate world-class industrial clusters including electronic information and automobiles, and jointly roll out key efforts on the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor in western China, and the Western China Science City, among others.

Jointly make early moves in building an integrated metropolitan region. We will deepen the implementation of the strategy of “One Main Pillar and Multiple Pivots, and Coordinated Development of the Five Economic Zones”, prioritize infrastructure development, speed up feasibility studies of such strategic projects as the multi-tiered rail transport network of Chengdu Plain Economic Area, and build a rail transit-oriented metropolitan circle. We will develop an innovative mechanism for inter-regional industrial and market collaborations, jointly build the Chengdu-Deyang Railway Port Industrial Development Belt, Chengdu-Ziyang Aviation Hub Economic Development Belt, and Chengdu-Meishan Innovative Economic Development Belt and explore the innovative mechanism for integrated planning and growth of adjacent locations. We will foster partnered development and sharing of public service facilities, explore the establishment of occupational education alliances and industry-education integration based on the metropolitan circle, build education sharing platform, construct inter-regional healthcare consortiums, and deepen concerted efforts in pollution control and prevention, so as to instill a concrete sense of fulfillment in our citizens.

II. Expedite the development of a modern economic system by stabilizing growth and enhancing effectiveness.

We will implement initiatives to stabilize the industrial chain and fill any gaps therein, promote construction of projects driven by new infrastructure, reinvigorate domestic demand led by new consumption, and reinforce the basic supply of grains and vegetables so as to stabilize economic growth.

Press ahead the construction of industrial function areas. We will stick to the path of quality growth featuring optimal industrial structure, high scientific and technological content, low resource consumption, minor environmental impact, balanced quality and benefits as well as sustainable development. Industry-specific candidate project screening criteria should be developed for each industrial functional area, focusing on building an industrial ecosystem and innovative ecosystem chain. We will remain focused on major projects with a promising outlook and hold investment-fostering “100-day Challenge Competitions” following the “Two Maps and One List”. We will foster the shift in industrial functional areas from “supplying land” to “providing platform” by enhancing the appeal to and capacity for business entities, talents and resources, and implement a township-and-sub-district-as-one managerial model that integrates the production, daily life and ecosystem functions of the industrial functional area and townships (sub-districts).

Enhance the advanced manufacturing sector. Focusing on “chip, screen, terminal device, software, intelligence and internet”, we will drive up the scale of the electronic information sector above the trillion-yuan threshold. We will actively grow the aviation equipment, automobile, rail transportation, intelligence manufacturing, energy and environmental protection sectors, and drive up the scale of the equipment manufacturing industry to the 800 billion yuan. We will actively grow bio-medicine and medical equipment sectors, lend strong support to the development of "Internet + medical health", and step up the support for the R&D of reagents, medicines and vaccines in order to drive up the scale of the medicine and health sector to 500 billion yuan. We will actively grow the new materials industry and integrate it into the national industrial base reconstruction project. We will actively develop the green food industry and focus on enhancing brand influence. We will accelerate the development of emerging industries such as hydrogen energy and nuclear energy equipment to develop new edge in strategic competition. We will carry out, with accuracy, the efforts to fill the gap in, reinforce and consolidate the industrial chains of key sectors to ensure the stability of the industrial and supply chain. We will launch pilot projects in industrial internet, digital workshop and intelligent factory applications, vigorously develop the software industry and promote software applications, and foster the digital transformation and scale-up of the manufacturing sector.

Focus on shaping Chengdu into an international consumption central city. We will expedite the development of a robust spending-facilitating mechanism and encourage new model and new normal for consumption, focusing on creating eight key scenarios for consumers. We will revamp the Chunxi Road business circle, speed up the construction of the Jiaozi Park business circle and the Shuangliu aviation hub international business circle, and significantly improve the current Western China International Expo City business circle. We will vigorously grow the consumer finance sector, develop robust consumer credit system and regulatory approach, and launch pilot programs in urban administration system by making negative list tailored to business circles and featured commercial streets. We will vigorously develop the online economy, outdoor consumption and cloud-based commerce, actively promote online consumption, increase consumption on health, and continue to grow first-store economy, boutique economy, night economy and weekend economy, so as to expand market to third-tier areas.

Accelerate the development of Chengdu as a financial center in western China. We will implement the “Jiaozi Star” economic securitization exponential growth scheme and expedite developing bases for the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and NEEQ in western China. We will speed up developing the blockchain IP pledge financing services platform, foster the establishment of a digital asset trading center and pilot legal digital currencies. We will support local financial institutions growing in scale and capacity and attract a host of such organizations and financial headquarters with functions of settlement, payment, asset management and more. We will enhance the service capacity of finance to the real economy, implement three key financial infrastructure projects, continue to improve on the Jiaozi “5+2” Platforms of Financial Service, and speed up the development of a financial firms’ cluster with local features.

Optimize the modern urban agriculture. We will implement the rural revitalization strategy extensively and roll out key urban-rural integrated growth projects, key reforms and the development of sharing platforms. We will set up rural revitalization funds, accelerate the development of modern agricultural functional areas, launch the modernization of 6,666.7 hectares of irrigation areas, and develop 166.7 hectares of high-standard farmland, in an effort to safeguard food security. We will develop a robust produce wholesale market and retail network, build the China (Chengdu) International Agricultural Products Processing Park, and speed up the resumption of hog production and guarantee the supply of essential produce. We will vigorously develop rural e-commerce, rural cultural and creative sector and homestay hotel economy.

Vigorously develop the new economy and cultivate new driver. We will take active measures to develop the national digital economy innovation pilot zone and the national next-generation artificial intelligence innovation pilot zone; expedite the growth of sectors like blockchain, 5G, 8K and AI; cultivate emerging business modes including smart healthcare, smart education and unmanned economy; plan and implement a host of new infrastructure projects. We will set up a trading platform for products (services) of the new economy and publish the City Opportunities List on a regular basis. We will further expand the gradient incubation of new economy business entities and the “Double Hundred Project”, set up investment funds targeted to the new economy sectors, and speed up the incubation and gathering of a host of new-economy businesses with core competitiveness.

Offer full backing to the development of the private-sector economy. We will offer aids to the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to tide them over challenging times; scale up tax and levy reliefs; roll out specific aid to said business entities; focus on resolving their financing challenges by making financing faster, easier and cheaper for them. We will lower the costs of power, gas and logistics. We will help with their long unresolved issues according to laws and regulations and properly clear out the backlog of payables to private small and medium-sized companies. We will exhaust all resources to protect and reinvigorate market players and take concerted measures to foster the healthy growth of the private economy.

III. Expedite the development of Chengdu as a national technology innovation center by focusing on reform and reinforcing momentum.

We will implement the innovation-driven development strategy at a deeper level and encourage original and independent innovation efforts and facilitate the commercial and industrial application of technological advancements, so as to boost growing momentum with innovation in technologies.

Enhance basic innovation capacity. We plan to build the Western China (Chengdu) Science City, strive to become a comprehensive national center for science, prepare for the establishment of the Tianfu National Laboratory, expedite the development of major innovation platforms such as aerospace and aviation, brain science, precision medicine, and the Guodun Center for Integrated Innovation. We will complete the construction of the Chengdu Center for Super Computing, support the launch of the Chengdu Scientific Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and build Chengdu National Center for Modern Agriculture Technological Innovations. We will make pilot program of one-time research budget granting which the receiving research team can use with autonomy regardless of disciplines or subjects etc., lend significant support to basic research and encourage re-innovation. We will engage ourselves on an extensive scale in the national Belt and Road technological innovation scheme.

Build a premium innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. We will build Chengdu as China’s southwest center for technology transfer and the pilot base for the commercial application of major accomplishments in China’s new drug developments. We will reinforce technology and financial innovation, expand financial products like “Scientific Innovation Investment” and “Scientific Innovation Loan”, and push forward establishment of angel funds for tech start-ups and the intellectual property operation funds. We will promote the development of knowledge and economic circle around universities, lend support to the joint development of new R&D organizations by academic institutions, business entities and governments, continue the “Jingronghui”(fairs that connect talents, technology and capital) events, and further the development of a national pilot base for “Mass Innovation and Entrepreneurship” campaign. We will implement the head-hunter action, amend the administrative guidelines for innovation and business start-up grants to talented individuals with technological expertise, and continue to roll out the Rongbei (Gems of Chengdu) software talent recruitment and training scheme.

Constantly deepen the reforms in key areas. We will carry out reforms in review and assessment of research programs, talents and research institutions, deepen the pilot programs of granting research personnel titles and ownership or long-term user rights of their research results and speed up the development of the Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang pilot zone for the transfer and commercial application of the national technological achievements. We will step up the market-oriented operating mechanism reform of municipal SOEs and build a robust mechanism for the custodian and regulation of state-owned capital focusing on capital management. We will deepen the reform of the fiscal system and implement comprehensive budget performance management. We will push forward city-wide efforts to develop nationwide rural collective ownership pilot system, actively explore valid avenues for scaling up the rural collective economy, and properly roll out the reform of “separating the three rights/titles” of rural residential land and contracted land.

IV. Speed up the development of a high-quality livable city by reinforcing city functions and optimizing the environment.

We will stick to the principles of co-construction, co-governance and sharing; foster panoramic and concerted development, seek organic integration of parks and urban spaces, and strive to turn the city of Chengdu into a friendly destination for job seekers, businesses, residents and travelers.

Vigorously advance the development of Tianfu New Area. We will comprehensively lift the level of Tianfu New Area abiding by the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping. We will expedite key eco-preserving projects including the Fengqi wetland and Yanqi wetland, and mobilize all resources available to deliver on the Luxi smart valley pilot project. We will bring in major technological infrastructures and constantly consolidate the groundwork for building a comprehensive national science center. We will speed up attracting and gathering leading companies, take solid measures to roll out the development of Tianfu Headquarters Business District, Tianfu Cultural and Creative City, and Tianfu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Park for Overseas Talents as well as accelerate the development of key carriers like the Headquarters Base, the Unicorn Island, and cooperative industrial parks including the Sichuan-Hong Kong Design and Creative Industrial Park. We will complete and launch the Tianfu International Convention Center, kick off the construction of Tianfu Hub Station, and develop Tianfu New Area into a demonstration area for high-quality development as a national-level new area.

Expedite the construction of the East Chengdu New Area. Adhering to the philosophy of becoming a city that is finely built and attracts extensive talents with strengthened functions and boosted industries, we put the public facilities construction, eco-environment and functional layout first, speed up the comprehensive development of nine key zones including the core area of Tianfu Olympic Sports Park, the Longma lake zone and the general aviation industry zone, and finalize the plan making of industries in the zones therein. Focusing on promoting 273 key projects including the railway hub station of East Chengdu New Area, advanced automotive innovation space and international cooperation education park, we will step up the pilot demonstration plot of new economy application scenarios such as borderless park city and smart cars connected by internet so as to promote East Chengdu New Area coming into being with robust momentum.

Optimize and improve city functions and supporting facilities. We will carry on to rectify problems uncovered in the city physical examination, carry out the “Ten Key Projects” to strengthen functions and weak links, and improve the “Project List + City Partner” mechanism. Five metro lines will be put into operation with a combined operating mileage of over 500 kilometers and 14 TOD demo projects in pipeline on fast track. We will drive forward the construction of Tianfu International Airport Phase I transport infrastructure and the Jintang-Jianyang-Renshou, Chengdu-Longquan-Jianyang, and Chengdu-Luodai-Jianyang expressways. We will vigorously press ahead the construction of the east-west city axis and the north extension of Tianfu Avenue, revamp of the Yangxi avenue route and the Caojin road, the expansion of the North Railway Station and the integrated development of Chengdu South Railway Station, and complete the comprehensive improvement of the first ring road. Dead end roads across regions will be fully linked. Phase I of remodeling intra-city railways into mass public transport system will be completed. The intelligent transportation Phase II project and the Transport Coordination Center Phase I project will be completed. Construction of the Lijiayan Water Reservoir will be sped up. We also plan to build 15,000 new 5G base stations.

Take solid measures to reinforce environment protection. We will accelerate our efforts in shaping Chengdu into a national model of ecological development, win the battle against pollution, and continue to rectify the problems uncovered in the state- and provincial-level environment protection inspections and their “looking back” inspection visits. We will rigorously implement the river and lake chief system, carry on with comprehensive treatment in the three river basins, and strive to make the indexes of Huanglong river cross section meet assessment criteria. We will step up soil pollution control. We will push forward the development of Longquan mountain eco-preservation and rehabilitation, which is also part of national forest reserve project. We will expedite the development of Jincheng Park, facilitate the three-tiered green way network coming into being, and complete 600 kilometers of Tianfu green way. We will spare no efforts in building Chengdu into a low-carbon pilot city in China, speed up improving the “Tianfu Carbon Sink” mechanism. We will continue the implementation of the Demolishing of Two Kinds of Constructions and One Increase policy. The environment of 122 backstreet lanes and 22 city-suburb bordering areas will be upgraded. We will facilitate the release of the Administrative Guidelines of Chengdu on Domestic Waste; work on construction of six household waste incineration power plants, and try to achieve zero landfill for raw refuse. We will improve the morphology of rural areas, renovate the rural residential space, launch preservation and restoration in 200 west-Sichuan Linpan(special settlement in Chengdu Plain, Sichuan consisting of farm house with woods around, irrigation system and farm land, as an elementary unit of the village within the scattered locations), and build high quality rural roads with sound management, maintenance and operation.

V. Build Chengdu into a high-caliber international gateway and hub city by optimizing the layout and promote opening up.

By highlighting southward opening up, maintain the momentum of eastward opening up, consolidating westward opening up and expanding northward opening up, we will stabilize foreign investment and trade, and build a new momentum of four-directional expansion and all-front opening up featuring three-dimensional and comprehensive opening-up.

Expedite the construction of outbound passageways. The construction of Tianfu International Airport and its supporting facility projects will be basically completed and will be put in the integrated operation and management along with Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport as the dual airports. We will speed up the “48+14+30” layout of key international air passageways and take progressive steps in resuming the international(regional) regular direct flights, add new international air routes and increase flights frequency to and fro key destinations. We will step up the efforts in bringing in and incubating freight base airlines and logistics service integrators. We will continue to improve the layout of nodes in the Asia-Chengdu-Europe Railway Express network, the train service standards and the composition of the loaded products. We will speed up the development of Chengdu international railway port into a national land-port logistic hub. We will provide sufficient service to guarantee the successful construction of the Sichuan-Tibet railway and strive to break ground on projects such as the Chengdu-Xining railway. The Tianfu International Airport highway and the Pujiang-Dujiangyan section of the 3rd express beltway will be constructed. The construction of the Chengdu-Yibin highway and the Tianfu New Area-Qionglai highway will be sped up and the construction of Chengdu-Nanchong and Chengdu-Leshan highway expansion projects will be launched.

Constantly increase platforms and carriers. We will advance the development of the Pilot Free Trade Zone and strive for more expanded pilot services. We will carry on with promoting the development of national level cooperative parks like Sino-Germany, Sino-France, Sino-Italy, Sino-Korea, Sino-Japan parks as well as Singapore –Sichuan Hi-tech Innovation Park, and further raise the influence of the Business & Innovation Centre for China-Europe Cooperation. We will strive to set up Tianfu International Airport port and launch the operation of the Comprehensive Bonded Zone in the industrial park of west Chengdu High-tech Zone and Chengdu International Railway Port Bonded Zone. We will take active steps to apply for being a national promotion and innovation demonstration zone for import trade and the comprehensive bonded zone of Tianfu international aviation port, and launch the building of comprehensive pilot area of “Belt and Road” international multimodal transport.

Strengthen opening-up and international cooperation. We will implement the results of the 8th Trilateral Summit Meeting among the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and Japan and open up more in sectors like urban development and modern service. We will adopt more extensive measures in exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries, make continuous efforts in expanding European and South Asian markets, and step up the economic and trade collaborations with Belt and Road nations and regions. We will act with initiative to bring in leading players and key projects in crucial industries such as regional headquarters of multinational corporations and global small and medium-sized enterprises. We will expedite the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade, speed up the development of a national export base for digital service, and speed up procurement transactions and export of pre-owned vehicles.

VI. Build Chengdu into a leading city with advanced business environment by improving service and efficiency.

We will comprehensively implement the V2.0 of the business environment optimization policies and release the upgraded V3.0, popularize the brand of Rongyiban (Easy Access to Public Service in Chengdu), an online service platform for businesses and citizens, and keep on the efforts to build fair, transparent and predictable business-friendly environment.

Enhance marketization. We will fully implement the Foreign Investment Law and its implementation guidelines and rigorously execute the pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list for foreign investors and the foreign investment reporting system. We will deepen reforms such as “all-in-one certificate”, “separating permits and certificates from business licenses” and “one set of paperwork for both permits and licenses”. We will improve the mechanism of application materials completion commitment for administrative approval and the missing paperwork tolerant admissions mechanism, and deepen the reform of construction projects approvals. We will establish the system of business environment observers and fully implement the system of first reception point for inquiry of job responsibilities. We will promote full coverage of the practice of one window for all business favorable policies to be processed. We will speed up to build the system that encourages proactive, pre-problem, precise, and joint-efforts services.

Enhance rule of law. We will continue to duly make, amend and abolish local governmental regulations and regulatory documents on business environment according to law and explore the establishment of a mechanism for reviewing the impact of policies and regulations on the business environment to ensure equal treatment to all market entities. We will establish a new market regulation mechanism and foster the full coverage and routine practice of comprehensive supervision by randomly selecting supervised subjects and supervisory personnel and promptly revealing the results to the public. We will deepen the reform of administrative law enforcement to make it more human-oriented and standardized. We will take solid measures to reinforce the protection of intellectual properties and establish green-light channels for key businesses, enabling across-the-board coverage of IP rights protection stations.

Make Chengdu more international. We will expand the scope of opening-up pilot areas like cross-border e-commerce and payment, continue to deepen the reform and innovation of free trade pilot zones, and establish a new system in alignment with international investment and trade protocols. We will adopt more streamlined customs clearance procedures for cross-border trades, promote the practice of China (Sichuan)international trade single window, popularize “internet + customs clearance by appointment” model, expedite paperless customs clearance for cargo in rail transit, and deepen the pilot practice of “one-bill system” in international multimodal transport.

VII. Make Chengdu a World Famous Cultural City by building platforms and preparing for the Summer World University Games Chengdu 2021.

We will build on and develop Tianfu culture with innovative ideas, epitomize what’s best in the times, and actively boost the value and influence of the city brand.

Mobilize all resources available in the preparation for Summer World University Games Chengdu 2021. We will speed up the construction of Athletes’ Village and 13 new venues, including the Dong’an Lake Sports Park and the Mt. Phoenix Sports Park. We will upgrade 36 venues and launch the initiative to enhance the city’s capacity and environment quality for the Games. We will accelerate the improvement on the Games logistics capacity, event organization ability and managerial expertise, assemble teams of high-level referees, technical officers and operation and logistics personnel for sports and venues, recruit and train volunteers, and quicken the planning for the opening and closing ceremonies. We will step up the marketing efforts by planning games-themed events and actively create an atmosphere of “Embracing, Hosting and Loving the Games”.

Actively develop the culture and sports sectors. We will start the construction of the Tianfu Arts Park and the Zhangdaqian Arts Museum and expedite the building of the Financial City Arts Center. We will boost the brands of Chengdu Orchestra and university students’ and children’s chorus, and enhance the development and utilization of the Red Culture resources. We will reinforce the preservation, inheritance, presentation of antiquities and intangible cultural heritage and promote comprehensive utilization of Chengdu Concert Hall and Open-Air Music Park. We will bring in resources like international sports organizations and premium sporting events and assemble high-caliber athletes’ teams and clubs. We will create innovative ways of exercise for the general public, foster the integration of sports and health, sports and education, and elevate the brand as a City of Sports.

Promote integrated development of culture, business, tourism and sports. We will speed up the construction of the Dongghuamen Relics, Tianfu Capital of Films, and other projects and cultivate music industrial parks and music towns. We will carry out surveys of cultural and tourism resources and reactivate the vigor in converted/merged townships (sub-districts). We strive to make a national model for culture and tourism consumption, a national all-in tourism demo area and famous counties for Tianfu tourism, and build a cultural tourism corridor for Ba and Shu cultures. We will develop featured sports industrial park and sports services complex and strive to become a pilot city in China for sports consumption. We will actively grow food culture and food sector, upgrade 5 locations into clusters of regional gastronomy. We will apply a range of technologies to build online exhibition platforms so as to push forward the upgrade of conference and exhibition sector.

VIII. Accelerate building a resilient city by strengthening weak areas.

In light of the weak links and inadequacies unveiled in the Covid-19 pandemic, we will take proper measures to improve our abilities of handling emergencies of all types and in various forms so as to lay solid groundwork for the sustainable development of our city.

Accelerate the enhancement of healthcare services. We will push forward national-level medical pilot programs such as city-level treatment and healthcare consortium, county-level medical community and the modern hospital management system and modernize hospital governance capacity and system. We will enable further penetration of premium healthcare resources to lower-tiered locations and complete capability improvement of 480 community-level healthcare institutions. We support municipal healthcare institutions in expanding clinical research investment and developing 10 clinical key special disciplines. We will push forward 22 key private-sector-sponsored hospital projects to further elevate Chengdu’s expertise in international medical services. We will strengthen hospital security management to safeguard normal medical care order in hospitals. We will take steady steps in advancing Chengdu medical consortium project across the board, promote the connectivity and mutual recognition of information among healthcare providers, and ensure that the “one code for all” practice into effect for hospital visits in 2020.

Improve public health emergency management system. We will work on the development of the rule of law system, plan system and commanding system of public health emergency management and launch four key projects, namely, enhancing testing ability for disease prevention and control, quantity-and quality-enhancement of mental health services, improving emergency medical rescue system and enhancing abilities of treating major infectious diseases. We will reinforce material supplies, medical security, information platform and technological breakthrough support mechanisms in the event of public health emergencies to ensure adequate organizational, investment and talents resources in public health. We will take active measures to drive ahead seven key public health programs such as enhancing the testing abilities for major diseases and health hazards by the municipal CDC and the municipal emergency medical rescue center building, with more than 100 additional ambulances to fully enhance Chengdu’s capacity of responding to major public health emergencies.

Enhance the overall emergency response capacity. We will improve the risk identification and warning mechanism in key areas, publicize monthly safety warning notifications, enhance the comprehensive monitoring and warning against a range of disasters and disaster chains, and raise citizens’ awareness and ability of disaster prevention and self-rescue. We will reinforce cross-department anti-emergency efforts and improve categorized and classified contingency plan system and review and filing mechanism. We will expedite the development of a platform for the application of big data on city security and emergency management, improve the major emergency response and handling mechanism, make city security risks e-maps, and actively push forward the building of the emergency rescue center in southwest China and national hazardous chemicals emergency rescue Chengdu base. We will improve the complete chain of emergency supplies production, storage, transportation and deployment. We strive to become a national model for safety development.

IX. Guarantee necessities and promote fairness to enhance public welfare and social security.

We hold firmly that putting people’s interest and concerns first, continue delivering on the ten public welfare undertakings, promote job creation actions, focus on addressing the key concerns of our citizens, and facilitate the continued improvement of the living standard of our fellow Chengdu citizens.

Stabilize the job market and ensure employment. We prioritize job creation, fully implement policies such as the State Council’s 22 items of policy of coping with the impact of COVID-19 and stabilizing the job market, and speed up the enforcement of a series of business aids aiming at job creation by tax exemption, reduction and delayed payment as well as refund and subsidies. We will implement favorable policies to promote university graduates’ employment and start-ups, promote multiple channels of job-hunting, and encourage them to start their own businesses and enroll in military service. We offer employment aids and basic needs assistance to migrant workers, laid-off workers, poverty-stricken laborers, veterans and the disabled, and take dynamic measures to ensure every household has at least one member in employment. We will develop a number of temporary and transitional jobs and public welfare positions in the neighboring areas of the unemployed, promote a number of work-from-home schemes, and incubate a number of new occupations and roles. We will guide major corporations to unleash their potential of job creation and support the short-term inter-company secondment of surplus workers. We will offer support to start-ups to drive up job creation and reinforce occupational skills training and on/offline recruitment. We strive to add 230,000 new jobs city-wide in 2020 and keep the registered urban unemployment rate below 4.5 percent.

Enhance social security. We will continue to push forward the covering-all-citizens insurance scheme, improve the multi-tiered social security system and a mechanism of social security benefits with normal growth, and develop a health insurance system for emergency medical assistance. We will step up the support in housing for financially struggling residents, enhance favorable policy support to encourage new citizens’ voluntary contribution to the housing public accumulation funds, and maintain smooth and healthy development of the real estate market. We will rebuild 5,238 households in rundown urban areas and 300 time worn residential yards. We will consolidate the accomplishment of poverty relief efforts and build a better developed mechanism that keep poverty alleviation moving steadily from falling back to ensure that all poverty relief recipients across the city reach better-off production and living standards. We will continue the paring assistance to designated Tibetan areas.

Enhance the quality and effectiveness of public service. The three-year action plan pertaining public service infrastructure will be completed in central city districts and expedited in the suburb sub-cities and counties, where an 80 percent+ coverage of public services in a 15-minute travel radius will come into being. 150 kindergartens, primary and secondary schools will be newly built, renovated and expanded, adding 130,000 new seats, and seats in public-sponsored kindergartens will make up 50 percent of all the kindergartens. By sticking to the “cultivation of five aspects” approach, we will fully promote education for all-round development. We will step up the joint efforts in building Chengdu-based universities as world class Universities with first class disciplines, support Chengdu University in becoming a domestically leading application-oriented university, and promote municipally sponsored higher vocational colleges’ efforts to be high-caliber institutions of such with competitive disciplines. We will strive to address the concerns by the elderly and children, push forward the pilot program of long-term care insurance, and realize 100 percent coverage of service for the senior in urban communities and 80 percent in rural communities. We support the private sector in offering all-inclusive childcare services and improve the care service system tailored to the left-behind children, women and the elderly in rural areas. We will reinforce the development of comprehensive service infrastructure for the disabled and promote their easy-access traveling.

Build a safe city contributed, cared and shared by all. We will launch the financial regulatory sandbox and crack down all types of illicit financial activities according to laws and regulations. We will build a robust mechanism for the prevention and mitigation of government debt risks and resolutely stem any newly-added hidden liabilities. We will implement the overall national security outlook, ramp up national defense mobilization and reserve force, push forward the development of safe Chengdu, and delve deeper into the war against gangsters and organized crimes. We will strengthen efforts in regulation of food and drug safety, explore “internet + medicine circulation” regulatory model, and enhance food safety management on campus. We will unremittingly build safe communities and strengthen the function of Home of Mass Work, so as to promote the sound development of social organizations, professional social work and volunteer service.

Committed to building a service-oriented government

that meets the people's satisfaction

Following pandemic containment measures and socioeconomic growth demands, we will adhere to and strengthen the comprehensive leadership of the Party, innovative administrative approaches, and boost effectiveness of governmental service, so as to modernize our governance system and capacity.

I. Solidly reinforce party building.

Guided by the party’s political progress, we will keep high consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, uphold the leadership core, and keep in alignment, strengthen confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics and resolutely uphold the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the authority of the Party Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership. We will implement to the fullest extent the decisions and strategies laid out by the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, and the Municipal Party Committee. We will rigorously implement the anti-corruption disciplines, ensure the rectification of the harmful practice and corruptions, and continue to strengthen the decent and clean political atmosphere. We will strictly guard against formalism and bureaucracy, reinforce coordination in fulfilling government duties, and alleviate the workload of community-level officers where possible.

II. Expedite the improvement of the social governance system.

We will advance the new community governance mechanism of “One Core and Three Governance for Joint Contribution and Shared Benefits”, strengthen residential community governance, and promote pilot programs in intra-city social governance. We will practice burden-cut and empowerment for sub-districts (townships and towns) and communities (villages), boost the capacity of communities, promote the specialized development of social work in the communities, and encourage the growth of community-based private-sector businesses. We will deliver on the follow-up work in the administrative division of townships (sub-districts) adjustment and in the institutional and system reform. We will fully implement the practice where the party secretary of villages (communities) take up the roles of villager (resident) council chief and director of village-level collective economic organizations and take steady approaches to carry out village-level organizational systems.

III. Constantly elevate governance abilities.

We will strictly implement the resolutions and decisions of the Municipal People’s Congress and its standing committee, subject ourselves to the oversight by the People’s Congress, to the work oversight and the democratic oversight of CPPCC Chengdu Committee, and reinforce audit supervision. We will enhance statistical efforts in compliance with the law and earnestly organize the seventh census. We will stick to leading a thrifty life, optimize spending structures, reduce regular expenditures, and prioritize addressing the public’s pressing concerns. We will enhance efforts pertaining to administrative reconsideration and response to litigation, and strive to build Chengdu into a national model of law-based government. We will take solid measures to enhance survey and research, build a new type of think tank alliance in service of high-quality development, and make the evaluation of policy outcomes more effective. We will put more efforts to education and training so as to enable competence and expertise of the government workforce. We will work hard to make high-standard outline of the “14th Five-Year Plan”. We will promote the practice of making all administrative service done on one web, all city operations administered on one web, and all requests from the general public processed by one click. We will reinforce the collection, sharing and public access to data, expand the intelligent application system, improve the “city brain”, and strive to build a new high land that facilitates business and citizens and a highlight of growth in the nation.

Fellow deputies, let us firmly follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and deepen the implementation of series of important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping for the work of Sichuan Province and Chengdu Municipality. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee, Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, and the CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee, we must join hearts and hands, ride against the tide and overcome the challenges. We will accelerate the efforts to build the park city pilot area that embodies the practice of the new development concept and strive for victory in both the fight against COVID-19 and pursuit for socioeconomic development. We will make greater contribution to driving up the governance and prosperity of Sichuan to a higher level and the great revitalization of the Chinese nation.

Objectives of Improving People’s Livelihood in 2020

I. Transport

1. To start the trial run of Phases 1, 2 and 3 of Metro Line 6, Phase 1 of Line 8, Phase 1 of Line 9, Phase 1 of Line 17 and Phases 1 and 2 of Line 18. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau)

2. To break ground for the renovation project of Yangxi Line (Shuxi Road to Xixin Avenue). (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau)

3. To transform 20 dead-end roads for through travel in the central city area. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau)

4. To build or renovate 200 kilometers of rural roads. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Transportation Bureau)

5. To control traffic congestion in 20 urban intersections in a proficient and scientific way, and build up 120 demonstration streets of stringent traffic control. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Public Security Bureau and Chengdu Municipal Commission of Urban Management)

6. To add or optimize 30 bus routes, advance the integration of public transport in the central urban area, and upgrade the public transport pass. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Transportation Bureau)

7. To implement inspection and treatment for 10,000 manhole covers on the urban roads. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Commission of Urban Management)

II. City Appearance and Environment

8. To build 80 small parks and micro-sized vegetation patches in the central area of the city. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Park City Construction and Management Bureau)

9. To build 35 park-city demonstration streets (blocks) and create 30 park neighborhoods. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Park City Construction and Management Bureau)

10. To fully ornament the Second Ring Road with 28 kilometers of greenery. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Park City Construction and Management Bureau.

11. To plan and construct 1,000 community greenways (way to work and home), and build six demonstration sections of waterfront streets (blocks) for non-motorized mobility in Jinjiang Park and a 7.8-km Jinjiang bikeway. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Park City Construction and Management Bureau)

12. To renovate 2,000 hectares of lands for green and picturesque landscape at Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park. (Coordinated by Management Committee of Longquan Mountain Urban Forest Park)

13. To construct 100 kilometers of utility tunnels along with urban road reconstruction and expansion in the central urban area. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau)

14. To implement five water ecological management projects along the Jinjiang River, including the Jinjiang No 2 Bridgedam renovation project, Jinjiang sewage interception pipeline project, Chengdu Zhonghe Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II and off-site water pipeline project, the upgrading project of Pidu District Cooperative Wastewater Treatment Plant (Phases I and II) and Chengdu West High-Tech Zone Wastewater Treatment Plant (Phases I and II). (Coordinated by Chengdu Water Authority)

15. To build 60 real-time monitoring points for organic volatile emissions from gas stations and oil depots. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau)

16. To build 22 demonstration streets for the comprehensive environment improvement of back streets and small alleys. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Commission of Urban Management.

17. To build or renovate 344 public toilets. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Commission of Urban Management)

18. To build 10 water quality automatic monitoring stations along the Yangtze River Economic Belt on Minjiang River and Tuojiang River. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau)

19. To build 40 villages with beautiful water. (Coordinated by Chengdu Water Authority)

20. To control air pollution and carry out over 270 times of man-made rainfall. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Meteorological Office)

III. Employment

21. To add 230,000 urban jobs, enable 56,500 more laid-off people to regain employment, send 14,200 people with poor employability into the workforce, and attract 70,000 college graduates to the job market or start up their own businesses in Chengdu. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

22. To transfer 73,000 surplus rural laborers to non-agricultural industries for employment. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

23. To build 22 exemplary youth homes, roll out 1,960 activities, and provide 26,400 person times of service to young “Chengdu Drifters” and talents. (Coordinated by Chengdu Committee of the Communist Youth League of China)

24. To operate 23 Homes for Young Talents to provide 7-day free accommodation for college graduates with bachelor’s degree or above when they come to Chengdu to seek a job and maintain an occupancy rate of 14,000 person-times throughout the year. (Coordinated by Chengdu Committee of the Communist Youth League of China)

25. To hold over 50 job fairs exclusively for veterans, offer 100,000 jobs and over 10 entrepreneurship parks (incubation bases) for them, and render 800 person-times of skill training free of charge. (Coordinated by Chengdu Veterans Administration)

26. To provide training programs to 3,000 migrant workers. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

IV. Supporting the Disadvantaged and the Impoverished

27. To allocate living and nursing allowances to eligible disabled population with financial challenge or severe impairments. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau)

28. To provide collective care to people in extremely poverty who are willing to receive the help and who meet the criteria, with 100 percent coverage. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau)

29. To provide free treatment and help patients with severe mental disorders, and ensure those in need are treated, with 85 percent of those in need receive support from the community. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Health Commission)

30. To timely distribute temporary subsidy to the people in need in accordance with the mechanism where social assistance and security standards are pegged to price rise. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Development and Reform Commission.

31. To provide a yearly allowance of RMB 800-1,500 yuan per person as living and medical assistance for any eligible employee registered living in difficulty. (Coordinated by Chengdu Federation of Trade Unions)

V. Education

32. To build and revamp public kindergartens so as to increase 80,000 enrollment places in 2020. (Coordinated by Chengdu Education Bureau and Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau)

33. To build, renovate, or upgrade 40 primary and middle schools and increase 50,000 enrollment places. (Coordinated by Chengdu Education Bureau)

34. To implement the "School Improvement Project" in public junior high schools and cultivate 30 "excellent schools in the neighborhood". (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Education Bureau)

35. To offer education subsidies at public primary and secondary schools (compulsory education) to students from urban or rural families receiving minimum living allowances and to outstanding non-boarding students from extremely destitute families. The subsidies will be RMB 1,000 yuan a year for each primary school student and RMB 1,250 yuan a year for each junior school student. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Education Bureau)

36. To exempt accommodation fees at public secondary vocational schools for students with Chengdu Hukou or those from poor families without Chengdu Hukou and grant eligible students at private secondary vocational schools with accommodation subsidies(Coordinated by  Chengdu Municipal Education Bureau)

VI. Healthcare and Elderly Care

37. To complete the following four projects: construction of Longtan Branch of Chengdu No 2 People's Hospital, reconstruction and extension of Jiujiang Rehabilitation Ward of Chengdu No 4 People's Hospital, reconstruction and extension of East campus of Chenghua Branch of Chengdu No 6 People's Hospital, relocation of Chengdu Blood Center (Phase I); complete the preliminary work such as project establishment and feasibility study for the following four projects: upgrading of the detection capability of major diseases and health hazard factors of Chengdu Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Phase III of Public Health Clinical Center of Chengdu, construction of Emergency Center and Infection Department of Chengdu Integrated TCM & Western Medicine Hospital, Phase III of Tianfu Branch of Chengdu No 7 People's Hospital; forge ahead the preparatory work for the planning and site selection of Chengdu Mental Health Center, Chengdu Emergency Medical Rescue Center and Chengdu Medical Center Hospital (tentative name). (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Health Commission)

38. To complete the upgrading and renovation of 50 community health service centers (township health centers), the upgrading and improvement of medical equipment owned by 30 community health service centers (township health centers), and the standardization and communalization of 400 village clinics. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Health Commission)

39. To complete the upgrading of 50 "Demonstration Chinese Medicine Clinics" and 200 "Standardized Chinese Medicine Service Stations". (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Health Commission)

40. To achieve a 95 percent free screening rate for neonatal diseases. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Health Commission )

41. To provide 15,000 needy employees and public janitors with free physical examinations. (Coordinated by Chengdu Federation of Trade Unions)

42. To cover 98 percent of urban and rural residents with basic health insurance and reimburse 75 percent of their medical expenses in hospitalization under the scope of the reimbursement policy. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Healthcare Administration)

43. To achieve full coverage of basic medical insurance for registered poverty-inflicted people and increase the proportion of outpatient and inpatient reimbursement within the scope of National Basic Drugs Catalog up to 90 percent and 95 percent respectively should they be treated at designated medical institutions within the county. (Coordinated by Chengdu Healthcare Administration)

44. To maintain the coverage rate of basic pension insurance for urban and rural residents above 90 percent, and ensure government's 100 percent payment of basic pension insurance for urban and rural residents from the disadvantaged groups such as registered poverty-inflicted residents, minimum living allowance recipients and destitute residents. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

45. To revamp 2,000 nursing beds at support and service facilities (nursing homes) for people living in extreme difficulty. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

46. To add 180 elderly care supplements stations. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau)

VII. Food and Drug Safety

47. To launch the pilot program of “Internet + Smart Supervision” on compound preparations containing special drugs in the pharmaceutical retails and raise the number of pilot pharmacies to 3,000 or above throughout the city. (Coordinated by Chengdu Administration of Market Supervision and Management)

48. To implement the transparent kitchen project at Chengdu’s primary and middle schools, covering 95 percent of public schools and 85 percent of non-publicly funded schools. (Coordinated by Chengdu Administration of Market Supervision and Management)

49. To conduct over 150 science popularization and experience events over food safety all year round. (Coordinated by Chengdu Administration of Market Supervision and Management)

VIII. Improving Housing Conditions

50. To tackle challenges in improving the basic public service facilities by kicking off over 900 projects and finish at least 400 projects in 2020. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau)

51. To install 150 elevators at existing residences at their discretion in the central urban area. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau)

52. To renovate 8 waterlogged areas and 50 communities of this kind in central urban areas. (Coordinated by Chengdu Water Authority and Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau)

53. To rebuild 5,238 dilapidated houses in rundown areas, renovate 300 old courtyards, and distribute subsidy of public rental housing to 5,000 households. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau)

54. To renovate 24,100 adobe houses in rural areas. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau)

55. To relocate 230 households to ward off geological disasters. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources)

56. To achieve a 10 percent increase of domestic waste classification coverage in urban communities and densely populated rural areas across the city, with the total coverage reaching 60%. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Commission of Urban Management)

57. To complete the renovation and upgrading of pollution-free toilets for 120,900 rural families. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Bureau Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

IX. Benefiting People through Cultural and Sports Services

58. To complete the construction of 6 stadiums namely gymnasium of Hi-tech Zone Sports Center, gymnasium and swimming pool of Xindu Xiangcheng Sports Center, gymnasium and swimming pool of Jianyang Culture and Sports Center, and gymnasium of Longquan Middle School. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau )

59. To build 44 demonstration centers for comprehensive cultural service at the grassroots level. (Coordinated by Chengdu Culture, Radio, and TV, Press, Publication and Tourism Bureau)

60. To organize 32 "Chengdu, Let’s Sing" concerts, 92 mass cultural activities under the "Culture All Year Round" brand, and 1,000 "Bring Cultural Activities to the Grassroots" performances. (Coordinated by Chengdu Culture, Radio, and TV, Press, Publication and Tourism Bureau)

61. To arrange 44,500 non-profit film sessions for administrative villages, agriculture-related communities and special groups, and to broadcast 3,000 free films for the "Bring Non-profit Films to Cinemas" event. (Coordinated by Chengdu Culture, Radio, and TV, Press, Publication and Tourism Bureau)

62. To open public stadiums and gymnasiums for free (or at a low cost) for 3.8 million person-times, undertake 3,000 rounds of national fitness activities, carry out physical health monitor for 120,000 people, and train 2,700 social sports instructors.(Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Sports Bureau )

63. To build 5 science popularization bases and 50 science education sites along the greenway, and carry out 150 greenway science popularization and education activities. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Park City Construction and Management Bureau, Chengdu Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, and Chengdu Association of Science and Technology)

X. Public Service

64. To promote the Tianfu Citizen Cloud platform and integrate over 220 public service projects, including over 15 signature projects of each district (city) and county, and build 100 demonstration communities of intelligent application scenarios based on the Tianfu Citizen Cloud. (Coordinated by the Urban and Rural Community Development and Governance Commission of the CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee)

65. To establish 28 legal service stations at communities (villages) and provide 110,000 person-times of legal aid service (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Justice)

66. To build (renovate) 16 standardized vegetable markets. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Commerce Bureau)

67. To build 21 provincial-level safe communities and 200 comprehensive standardized disaster reduction communities (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Emergency Response Bureau)

68. To build 120 demonstration sites for fire safety management of electric bicycles and two fire stations. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Emergency Response Bureau and Chengdu Fire Rescue Detachment)

69. To complete the construction of three demonstration bases for population evacuation, distribute 15,000 units of civil air defense supplies such as emergency kits, and install ten sets of disaster prevention and warning facilities along Longmen Mountain and the Minjiang River. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Civil Air Defense)

70. To add another five entry-exit documents service stations to provide on-the-spot endorsement service for tourists to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Public Security Bureau)

71. To complete the construction of 10,000-ton integrated inspection and storage facilities at airports and railway ports to increase the efficiency and facilitation in customs clearance of food, meats, aquatic products, and fruits. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Port and Logistics Office)

72. To create a smart provident fund service platform, operating 24/7, so that over 80 percent of the procedures will be processed online. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Provident Fund Center)

73. To build a "grid management" model for basic pension insurance and basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, and to serve more than 900,000 residents with basic pension insurance and over 8.1 million residents with basic medical insurance in urban and rural areas. (Coordinated by Chengdu Municipal Tax Service, State Taxation Administration)


1. Six Actions to Ensure the Resumption of Work, Production and Employment. It refers to online recruitment to help businesses resume production and work; special action to collectively pick up and send off workers returning to work and searching for jobs; mutual recognition of health certificates of employees returning to work; improvement of professional skills of employees; volunteers to assist businesses in resuming production and work; building the atmosphere of production and work resumption for businesses.

2. Permission of Five Practices and One Adherence. Permission of temporary roadside stalls or such designated areas; permission of shops along roads temporarily running business outside their doors; permission of roadside sales promotions by large shopping malls; permission of peddlers selling on street; permission of expanded parking area for internet-based bike rental companies; adherence to practicing flexible law enforcement featuring prudent and inclusive supervision.

3. "5+5+1" Modern Industrial System with Openness. The first “5” refers to five advanced manufacturing industries, including electronic information, equipment manufacturing, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, new materials, and green food. The second “5” refers to five emerging service industries, including financial service, modern logistics, convention and exhibition economy, culture and tourism, and daily life service. The “1” refers to the new economy with “AI plus”, “Big Data plus”, “5G plus”, “Clean Energy plus”, “Supply Chain plus” industries as the core.

4. Typical Case for Rural Tourism Development in China. It is reviewed and awarded by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

5. The Double Hundred Project. This project aims at selecting and cultivating 100 pillar unlisted enterprises for the development of the new economy and 100 outstanding talents.

6. Jiaozi "5+2" Platforms of Financial Services. The term refers to the 5 major platforms providing financial services, including “Science & Technology”, “Winpower”, “Tianfurongtong“, “Chuangfu Tianfu”, and Chengdu “Nongdaitong”, as well as the two major platforms that ensures financial ecology i.e. Chengdu local financial supervision platform and Chengdu credit information sharing platform.

7. "1 + 10" Action Plan. It means the Action Plan for Deepening the Comprehensive Reform of the Business Environment to Build a Leading City with International Business Environment and its supporting 10 action plans i.e. talents settlement, labor market management and service, streamlined corporate deregistration, taxation service, real estate registration, access to credit and loans, access to electricity and gas, customs clearance of cross-border trades, performance of contracts, and accountability measures.

8. 2019 China’s Benchmark City for International Business Environment Development. The list was released jointly by the Global Times and China International Chamber of Commerce for the Private Sector during the 2019 China’s International Business Environment Summit.

9. Eight Streets, Nine Neighborhoods and Ten Scenic Views. “Eight Streets" denote Xunxiang Road (Fragrant Trail), Chunxi Road, Kuanzhai (Broad and Narrow) Alleys, Zaozi (Chinese Date) Lane, Huaxing Street, Citang (Ancestral Temple) Street, Gengjia Lane and Sisheng (Four Sacred Temples) Alley; "Nine Neighborhoods" signify Huangchengba (the Royal City front-area), Huaxiba (the area surrounding West China Hospital), Shuijingfang (previous Swellfun distillery), Wenshufang(Wenshu Monastery as its core), Jinli (linking to Wuhou Temple), Dacifang(Daci Temple area), Mengzhuiwan (hard chase river bay), Yinyuefang(area of music surrounding the Chengdu City Concert Hall and Sichuan Conservatory of Music) and Wangjiangfang (adjacent to River-viewing Pavilion and Sichuan University) respectively. "Ten Scenic Views" refer to the site of the front area of the ancient Royal City, Qingyang Palace, Wuhou Shrine, Dufu Thatched Cottage, Daci Temple, Wenshu Monastery, Wangjiang Pavilion, Sanhualou (flower-scattering tower), Hejiang Pavilion, and Tianfu Panda Tower (339 TV Tower)

10. Demolishing of Two Kinds of Constructions and One Increase. It refers to demolishing illegal buildings in public areas and demolishing walls hindering the opening of the space and increase of open spaces in the city.

11. City Physical Examination. It refers to the systemic, fine and intelligent management, monitoring and evaluation of the city based on its ecological livability, city features, transportation convenience, life comfortability, diversification and inclusiveness, safety and resilience, and urban vitality, in order to display scientifically the interaction and interrelationship of the population, economy, society, culture and other elements in the urban space and pinpoint the urban governance projects in a scientific, systematic and precise fashion.

12. Ten Major Tough Battles. It refers to the battle for blue sky; battle for clear water; battle against pollution in drinking water source areas; battle against pollution in agriculture and in rural areas; battle against traffic congestion by scientific solutions; battle for whole-city greening; battle of environmental protection infrastructure construction; battle of regulating small, poorly-managed polluting companies; battle for clean energy substitution; and battle for developing environmental protection industry.

13. Five Enhancement Actions to reduce poverty and tackle challenges. Actions will be taken to alleviate poverty through improving infrastructure and public services, supporting rural industries, improving diversified work skills and assistance for rural residents, enhancing the cultivation of new professional farmers and guide “new villagers” and various professional talents to the rural areas, and paired assistance to designated poor areas.

14. 2019 People's Livelihood Demonstration Project. It is reviewed and awarded by the 7th People's Livelihood Development Forum of China, jointly sponsored by MinSheng Weekly magazine under People's Daily and other organizers.

15. Ten Measures to Stabilize Hog Production and Guarantee Market Supply. It refers to conscientiously implementing the development tasks of the hog industry within the "vegetable basket" mayor responsibility system, boosting the integration and development of the whole hog industry chain, fortifying the building of the modern fine breed system, accelerating the green development of the hog industry, comprehensively improving the level of biological safety, substantially intensifying animal epidemic prevention, guarantee the land use for the hog industry development, consolidating financial support, improving the supply mechanism of the pork market, rigorously implementing the accountability and strengthen organizational guarantee.

16. China's Happiest City. It was released at the Chinese Happy City Forum 2019, jointly sponsored by the Oriental Outlook magazine and the Liaowang Think Tank.

17. Six Major Actions. These actions aim to promote employment, boost domestic demand led by new consumption, stabilize and shore up the industrial chain, bolster investment led by new infrastructure, stabilize foreign direct investment and international trade, and solidify the foundation for the "rice bag" and "vegetable basket".

18. Two Maps and One List. It refers to a panorama map of industry chains, a list of key enterprises and supporting companies and a road map of industrial ecosystem.

19. Three Key Financial Fundamental Projects. These projects are to strengthen and scale up the state-owned holding financing guarantee companies, increase credit level for enterprises, and establish a risk-sharing model between banks and governments in an all-round way, thus benefiting the small and medium-sized enterprises with better financing services.

20. Integrated Management of the Two Airports. Shuangliu International Airport and Tianfu International Airport will be operated and managed integratedly together in terms of increase of flights, flight operation and the planning and construction of the international aviation hub, and be coordinated with each other for joint development in terms of the planning, construction and operation of airport infrastructure.

21. 48+14+30. The air route layout consists of 48 business air routes connecting regional economic centers across the globe, 14 cargo air routes heading for international aviation hubs, and 30 culture and tourism air routes linking major tourism destinations, with a view to build the city into a global aviation gateway, an intercontinental air transit hub, and an air cargo transit center in central and western China.

(Source: Research Office of Chengdu Municipal People's Government)

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