Local authorities have rolled out fiscal and financial policies to ease vendors' strain during the epidemic.
"The epidemic's impact is not so obvious, as winter is usually a slack season for us," said Rayhan Sayit, owner of an embroidery shop at the bazaar, adding that she is getting busier every day.
Precautions are still in place. Temperatures are taken at the entrances of each section, while visitors are demanded to wear masks. Public areas are disinfected regularly.
Many bazaars in other parts of Xinjiang also reopened, offering convenience to people, especially those in the countryside, in buying food, clothes and other daily necessities.
Luo Fang, a local resident, recently enjoyed local food with her visiting relatives at the food square of the International Grand Bazaar and planned to buy some local specialties as gifts.
"Thanks to the effective epidemic prevention and control efforts, we feel safe to dine out and travel now," Luo said.