Regular Press Conference

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's Regular Press Conference on September 30, 2019

Updated: Sep 30, 2019 Print
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Q: On September 28, Russian ambassador to China Andrey Denisov led diplomats in his embassy to visit the Beijing Xiangshan Memorial Site of CPC Headquarters. He offered warm congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of China-Russia diplomatic relations. An opening ceremony for an exhibition of archives and documents in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of China-Russia diplomatic relations was also held in Beijing yesterday. What's your comment on these commemorative events?

A: Tomorrow we will be celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. We will also be marking the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with our good neighbor Russia. Leaders of the two sides will exchange congratulatory messages to mark this occasion.

Recently the two sides have held a series of commemorative events. State Councilor Wang Yi and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov have signed articles published in mainstream media and attended respectively the opening ceremony for the exhibition of archives and documents in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations held by the two foreign ministries. The Russian side provided to the Chinese side precious video materials of the grand ceremony marking the founding of New China. A documentary titled Rebirth of China was shown on Russian National TV. Ambassador Denisov has paid visits to the exhibition in Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the PRC and the Xiangshan Memorial Site of CPC Headquarters. All sectors in the two countries  have also been holding a series of colorful celebratory activities, bringing one highlight after another. By holding these activities in various forms, people in our two countries are honoring the extraordinary journey this bilateral relationship has traveled in the past 70 years. This is a vivid embodiment of our two countries' high-level relations as well as the deep bond of friendship between our peoples.

In June this year, President Xi Jinping paid a historical visit to Russia. During this visit, the two heads of state jointly opened a new chapter in bilateral relations for a new era. Looking forward to new prospects in a new era, our two sides will implement the consensus between the two heads of state and work for new progress in our comprehensive strategic coordination. We will join hands to assume our shared responsibility in upholding multilateralism and defending the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. It will serve the interests of the two countries and peoples and also contribute to world peace and development.

Q: US media, citing person familiar with the matter, said that the Trump administration is discussing using various measures to restrict US investment flowing into China. In response to one of those measures as alleged, the spokesperson of the US Treasury Department said the US government is not contemplating blocking Chinese companies from listing shares on US stock exchanges at this time. How do you comment on that? How will the Chinese side respond if the US put restrictions on investment and funds going to China?

A: We noted relevant reports and the response by the spokesperson of the US Department of the Treasury.

I want to point out that the trade and economic and financial cooperation between China and the US is mutually beneficial in nature. Any attempt at maximum pressure or even decoupling will surely harm the interests of Chinese and American companies and the two peoples, causing fluctuations in the financial market and hurting international trade and global economic growth. This is not in the common interests of the international community.

We hope the US will work with China to continuously deepen our trade and economic and financial cooperation. In the meantime, we hope the US will meet China halfway and seek a solution in a constructive manner.

Q: I'm wondering if you could tell us why Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam is skipping the national day celebrations in Hong Kong and instead coming here to Beijing to celebrate?

A: As I understand, what you asked is not a diplomatic question, right?


We will be celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China tomorrow, October 1. I'm sure you've all felt the festivity in the air as Beijing spruces up for this occasion.

Over the past seven decades, China, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), has traveled a momentous and glorious journey, bringing enormous changes, realizing a rapid leap in national strength, and creating a development miracle in human history.

Over the past seven decades, China's foreign affairs, under the leadership of the CPC, served to defend national interests, boost reform and opening-up and enhance China's international standing. Success in doing so not only rewrote China's relationship with the world, but also contributed significantly to world peace and shared development.

Over the past seven decades, you, dear friends from the press, have captured with your pens and lenses how this great nation has been striding towards rejuvenation with fortitude and hard work, and how the tree of China's foreign affairs, after weathering rain and shine, have born rich fruit.

My colleagues and I would like to take this opportunity to extend our appreciation to all of you for your interest in and coverage of China and China's foreign affairs. We look forward to your continued objective, comprehensive and all-dimensional coverage of the Chinese story, China's diplomatic journey and more fascinating events.

Happy National Day holiday!

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