Regular Press Conference

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's Regular Press Conference on September 27, 2019

Updated: Sep 27, 2019 Print
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Q: Director of the US Office of National Drug Control Policy Jim Carroll recently paid a visit to China. In an interview during the visit, he said that they established cooperation and enhanced mutual trust with the Chinese side and came to full realization of China's commitment to fighting opioids trafficking. How would you comment on his visit?

A: Regarding the visit of Director Jim Carroll of the US Office of National Drug Control Policy, China's Ministry of Public Security has released a readout and you may refer to that.

As I understand, during this visit, State Councilor and Commissioner of the National Narcotics Control Commission Zhao Kezhi and Vice Commissioner of the National Narcotics Control Commission Liu Yuejin met and held talks with Director Carroll respectively. He also paid visits to China's national narcotics laboratory, Beijing EMS distribution center and the supervision center for international express delivery in Beijing Tianzhu comprehensive bonded area. Also, he exchanged in-depth views with the Chinese side on drug tracing and analysis technology, measures to prevent delivery and logistics involving drug-related crimes and the scheduling of fentanyl substances. Director Carroll expressed appreciation for China's class scheduling of fentanyl substances. He expressed readiness to step up practical cooperation with China on drug control. He said he will share with US leaders and people from various sectors what he has seen and the consensus reached in China.

I want to stress that the Chinese government attaches high importance to counter-narcotics efforts. It maintains a zero-tolerance attitude towards drugs and strictly enforces anti-drug policies. On May 1, China started class scheduling of all fentanyl-like substances and has been working hard on all fronts, including formulating legal documents, investigating and addressing relevant cases, and launching special operations to crack down on online sales of fentanyl-like substances. It shows the government's resolution to safeguard the Chinese people's safety and health, and its sense of responsibility in participating actively in global counter-narcotics efforts to maintain world security and stability. China stands ready to work with the US to make counter-narcotics cooperation a highlight in bilateral relations and contribute our due share to global control of fentanyl-like substances and to the safety and health of all mankind.

Q: According to reports, Russian President Vladimir Putin had sent a proposal to the leaders of several countries, including NATO member states, to introduce a moratorium on deploying intermediate- and shorter-range missiles in Europe and other regions. On Thursday, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that Putin's proposal has been circulated among the main countries in Europe and Asia and international organizations. Did China receive such a proposal from Russia? What is China's position on such a proposal?

A: China has received the proposal from the Russian side.

We've stated China's position on intermediate-range missiles. In particular, we strongly oppose US deployment of land-based intermediate-range missiles at the doorstep of others. The deployment of intermediate-range missiles, whether in Europe or the Asia Pacific, will have a worldwide negative impact. It will severely harm trust between major countries, worsen regional security, weaken the international arms control and non-proliferation regime and undermine strategic balance and stability.

We urge the relevant country to exercise restraint in deployment of intermediate-range missiles and act prudentially with a high sense of responsibility.

Q: AFP yesterday cited security sources saying that they suspected a series of cyber attacks on Airbus were linked to the Chinese government. Do you have any comment on that?

A: It seems you have asked AFP's question.

There are many media reports about cyber attacks recently. In these reports, relevant parties have been trying to pin the blame on and throw mud at China without providing any evidence. Such practice is neither professional nor responsible, and even ill-intended.

I can tell you clearly that China is a staunch defender of cyber security and stands against all forms of cyber attacks. We investigate and fight cyber attacks inside China or using China's cyber infrastructure. This position is consistent and clear.

I would once again call on all parties to jointly address threats to cyber security through dialogue and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.

Q: Will Chairman Kim Jong Un visit Beijing or the northeast region of China in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties with China?

A: What I can tell you is that our two countries and parties maintain a good tradition of friendly exchange. This is conducive to regional peace and stability and the proper settlement of relevant issues.

Q: Taiwan media reported that a staffer from the Taipei office in New York attended a meeting on religious issues held by the US at UN headquarters, and called it a "diplomatic breakthrough". What's your comment on this?

A: The meeting you mentioned is not a UN meeting. It is merely a side event held by the US at a UN venue. Certain individual from the Taipei office in New York degraded herself by sneaking into the UN. And yet this is being hyped up as a "diplomatic breakthrough". Such an underhand ploy will only become a laughing stock.

The UN has reiterated time and again that it handles issues relating to Taiwan in accordance with UNGA Resolution 2758. The vast majority of UN member countries stay committed to the one-China principle. Taiwan authorities' scheming will not succeed.

Q: According to reports, the Chinese embassy in Japan held a reception in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China yesterday. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent a congratulatory video message. I wonder what's your comment?

A: This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. As we mark this occasion, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan sent the congratulatory video message to the Chinese people. He also reiterated readiness to develop China-Japan relations. China appreciates that. It also embodies the positive momentum in improvement of bilateral relations.

In June this year, the Chinese and Japanese leaders held a successful meeting in Osaka, reaching important consensus on building a bilateral relationship in keeping with the demand of a new era. China stands ready to work with Japan on the basis of staying committed to the principles set out in the four political documents, to enhance sound interaction, constructively manage and control differences and disputes, and ensure the sustained sound and stable development of China-Japan relations.

Q: Will any foreign leaders be invited to the grand celebration, military parade and mass pageantry marking the National Day next week?

A: The question was already answered at a press conference held by the press center for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC a few days ago. I understand the answer is no.


I mentioned the "Great Journey, Glorious Achievements: Exhibition in Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the PRC" the other day. On September 25, at the invitation of the foreign ministry, over 150 foreign diplomatic envoys and representatives of international organizations from more than 130 countries went to see the exhibition. They expressed warm congratulations on China's extraordinary achievements in national development, highly commended China's contributions to world peace and development and spoke positively of the fruitful outcomes of BRI cooperation under the Belt and Road. They also said that they hope China could play a greater role in international affairs.

On September 30, the Press Center for the Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the PRC will invite foreign journalists, including resident reporters in China, to visit this exhibition. You're welcome to this event. I believe it will be a wonderful and fruitful trip.


According to the holiday schedule for the 2019 National Day, the MFA regular press conference will be adjourned from October 1 to 7 and resumed on October 8. In the meantime, you may send your questions to the Spokesperson's Office via fax, email or Wechat. The press conference will be held as usual on September 30.

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