Shanxi Province

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Shanxi plans advertising hub with new industrial park

Updated: Nov.06, 2018 Print

Shanxi Advertising Industrial Park, the first of its kind in Shanxi province, started construction in Taigu county, on Nov 5.

Covering 18 hectares in Taigu Economic and Technological Development Area, the industrial park is expected to receive investment totaling 85 million yuan ($12.29 million) and will be constructed in two phases.

Once completed, the advertising industrial park is likely to attract around 100 companies, including firms involved in brand planning, advertising and design. The park is expected to provide jobs for more than 3,000 people and bring real benefits to the local area, with output value forecast to exceed 1 billion yuan.

The advertising industrial park will also introduce advanced technologies and products to develop a top advertising industrial cluster in the province.

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