Yuncheng started work to expand its international airport Oct 26.
With investment of 2.2 billion yuan ($315 million), the project involves expanding the terminal and flight areas.
A 27,000-square-meter international terminal building, a 1,750-square-meter air traffic control building and tower, and a 700-square-meter connecting corridor between the existing T1 and T2 terminal buildings will be constructed. The area of viaducts in the terminal area will be added to 11,000 square meters.
The flight area will get a new 3,200-meter runway, an extra airfield covering 70,000 square meters, and new support facilities such as an aviation food production area and a new filling station for aircraft.
Once completed, the airport will be upgraded to a 4E-level international airport. The passenger throughput is expected to reach 2.3 million by the end of 2018 and 5 million by 2025.
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