More than 1,000 photographs depicting landscapes, life and the culture of Belt and Road countries are currently on display for the 2018 China (Datong) International Photography Culture Exhibition which opened at China Sculpture Museum in Datong, Shanxi province, on Oct 20.
More than 400 photographers are behind the work at the exhibition, with a variety of styles and influences on display.
The event was organized by China Public Relations Association, Datong government and a diverse group of photography and media associations to promote cultural communication among Belt and Road countries and improve Datong's global image.
The event consists of various sub-exhibitions such as those by guest countries of honor, a sub-exhibition in celebration of China's reform and opening up, and a special sub-exhibition themed around the energy revolution. Other activities including an awards ceremony are also expected to take place.
Ambassadors to China from the United Arab Emirates, Switzerland and Belgium, as well as Datong government officials and event sponsors attended the opening ceremony.
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