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World Wine Cultural Expo held in Fenyang county

Updated: Sep.26, 2018 Print

The second World Wine Cultural Expo was held in Fenyang county, Lyuliang city, Shanxi province, from Sept 19 to 22.

Representatives of more than 600 liquor firms from around the world, as well as dealers, retailers and wine experts gathered at the event, tasting and promoting 17 famous Chinese liquors and wines from 10 of the world's major wine-producing regions.

The event also saw several forums, exhibitions, shows and investment promotion events. And through the event, Fenyang county succeeded in introducing 12 joint venture projects with investment of 10.69 billion yuan ($1.56 billion).

Lyuliang city is one of the world's top 10 spirit-producing areas, with Fenyang county known as the home of famous liquor brands Fenjiu and Zhuyeqing.

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