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Shanxi battery company expands into Europe

Updated: Sep.03, 2018 Print

Shanxi Golden Energy Century Co (GEC Shanxi), an energy storage solution provider based in Shuozhou city, signed a partnership agreement with Dutch energy trade company Enova on Aug 31, to jointly develop the European market for vanadium flow batteries.

A company engaged in research and development of vanadium flow batteries, GEC Shanxi is famous for its high safety, low cost, long service and zero-pollution batteries. They can be used in photovoltaic, wind power and intelligent grid field applications.

Its first generation vanadium flow battery technology has been widely used in fuel cell and electrolyzer industries. The second generation vanadium flow battery technology will come out of the laboratory and be put on a trial run soon.

With the partnership, GEC Shanxi will expand into large scale production of second generation vanadium flow batteries.

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