
Govt policy moves from past week

Updated: Jul 31, 2018 China Daily Print
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Grain reserves to be updated nationwide


The State Council will launch a nationwide inspection to check grain reserves, according to a notice released on July 23.

The inspection will update figures on reserves, including quality and quantity, to fore-stall and defuse risks and potential hazards, the notice said.

The inspection will cover strategic grains stored by enterprises of different types and the commodity grains placed under the reserve of State-owned grain reserve companies.

Strategic grain includes state reserves, that purchased under the minimum purchasing price policy and national temporary reserves and local reserves.

The inspection will cover five phases, starting from March next year.

Enterprises with grain reserves are required to conduct inspections by themselves before the national inspection starts.

A summary report of the inspection will be presented to the State Council by the end of October 2019, according to the notice.

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