Shanxi Province

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Shanxi issues $18.44m to protect 40 traditional villages

Updated: Jun.25, 2018 Print

Shanxi Finance Department has recently issued a fund of 120 million yuan ($18.44 million) for protecting 40 local traditional villages.

Each village will receive a subsidy of 3 million yuan. The fund will focus on the restoration of endangered traditional architecture, infrastructure construction, environmental improvement and disaster prevention.

Another 12 traditional villages will get financial support from central government.

Shanxi currently has 279 traditional villages included in China's traditional village list. Since 2012, 174 traditional villages in Shanxi have received subsidies of 522 million yuan from central government to support projects such as domestic sewage treatment, old building restoration and water source protection, which has greatly improved the living environment in these villages and conserved traditional villages in the province.

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