The fourth annual International Jackie Chan Action Movie Week will be held in Datong city, Shanxi province, from July 18 to 22.
The movie week will screen excellent action movies from home and abroad, and present awards to action movies and filmmakers from around the world. Domestic and foreign filmmakers will also be invited to discuss the development of action movies during the event.
Though there are many action movie fans in the world, almost all awards at film festivals are for art films rather than action movies, Jackie Chan said at a news conference in Beijing June 1.
That's why he launched the annual event, he said. Early in the 2017 movie week, Chan, who is vice-president of the China Film Association, announced that an acrobatic work committee would be established to offer organizational guarantees to action movie filmmakers and stunt performers.
The highlight of the movie week will be public activities by a domestic filmmaker group targeting undeveloped areas in Datong. Idols led by Jackie Chan will then carry out poverty alleviation activities and promote local tourism to fulfill their social responsibilities as public figures.
"Ancient Datong, with its cultural charms and the city authorities' devotion to development, which corresponds to my proposal of targeted poverty alleviation during 2018's two national sessions, made me choose the city as the site for the movie week," Chan said.
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