More than 50 kinds of products manufactured by 12 Shanxi food and drink production companies were on display at the SIAL China food exhibition in Shanghai between May 16 and 18.
The exhibitors displayed Shanxi specialties such as Pingyao beef and Shanxi mature vinegar, attracting visitors and businesspeople from home and abroad.
Distributors from France, Italy, Japan and Thailand, as well as firms from Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces, reached some 20 agreements on the purchase and sale of date drinks, sea-buckthorn juice, vinegar, walnut oil and quinoa.
Organized by the world's leading event organizer, France-based Comexposium Group, this year's event attracted 3,400 exhibitors from over 70 countries and regions and more than 110,000 visitors.
The exhibition area covered 162,000 square meters and consisted of 13 themed pavilions, including a pavilion for snacks, imported foods, dairy products, processing equipment and cold chain equipment.
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