Wanjie Zhaoyang School is a modern and prestigious boarding school, which consists of preschool, primary, junior high, senior high, international school and high school affiliated to Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. The school covers an area of 38.7 hectares and a total floorage of 160,000 square meters.
The school has once been awarded as the provincial standardized school, the provincial garden styled school, top 100 non-governmental schools in China, the advanced teaching organization and the characteristic school of art education in Zibo City, etc.
Many of our graduates have been admitted into the top universities, such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Sydney University, Auckland University and etc. The school has been awarded by the government many times for its higher education enrollment rate.
Having qualifications to employ foreign cultural and educational experts and enroll foreign students, the school has established a broad international network for educational cooperation and exchange. Many students have studied in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain, UK, Korea, etc, while international students from Korea, Indonesia, France, Mexico, Belgium, Germany and USA have being enrolled in the school.
With beautiful campus, complete and modern teaching and living facilities, favorable studying environment, best support, student-oriented program, strong teaching staff, respectable achievements, Wanjie Zhaoyang School allows you to fulfill your dream and enjoy your stay in China.