Xixian New Area | govt.chinadaily.com.cn

National Development Zones

Xixian New Area

Updated: May 15, 2019 govt.chinadaily.com.cn Print
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Located on the core border zone between Xi'an and Xianyang cities in Northwest China's Shaanxi province, Xixian New Area covers all seven counties and 23 villages, towns and sub-districts of the two cities, boasting a population of 978,000.

It has a total area of 882 square km and the area for urban construction accounts for 272 square km. 

It is comprised of five new cities: Airport New City, Fengdong New City, Qinhan New City, Fengxi New City and Jinghe New City. With the Wei River, Feng River and Jing River flowing through, Xixian New Area boasts a significant historical and cultural heritage, with over 350 relics dating back to at least 1,000 years ago.


A map of Xixian New Area. [Photo/xixianxinqu.gov.cn]

The new center of the greater Xi'an area (Xi'an, Xianyang and Xixian New Area)

Xixian is committed to developing itself by boosting its industries.

It will focus on the construction of national-level free trade pilot zones, service trade zones and innovation and entrepreneurship zones. It will integrate its advantageous resources like the Fengdong S&T Demonstration Base and the Western S&T Innovation Port. In these ways, it can strengthen investment, promote open cooperation and optimize the investment environment. 

Xixian will build itself into a center of strategic emerging industries and modern service industries, a center of energy, finance and trade along the Silk Road Economic Belt, a center of headquarters economy, a center of S&T and innovation and one of China's important comprehensive transportation hubs and logistics centers. It will strive to contribute to Shaanxi’s economic growth and serve as the most favorable platform for businesses in the greater Xi'an area.

The new engine for development in West China 

With Shaanxi Xixian Bonded Logistics Center, Xixian New Area will carry out pilot projects for promoting service industries, build an export-oriented service trade system and turn itself into a center for innovative service industries in Northwest China. 

It will develop new industries and strive to serve as an engine for industrial development in West China by making use of its industrial zones like Northwestern Polytechnical University’s UAV Industrialization Base, Huachen Auto Industrial Park and Zhouling Industrial Park. 

Xixian New Area will develop high-tech industries and strive to serve as an engine for technological development in West China by promoting the development of the West China S&T and Innovation Port, the Fengdong S&T Demonstration Base, the Sino-Russian Silk Road High-Tech Industrial Park and other key industrial parks. 

With abundant historical and cultural resources, Xixian will explore new ways to integrate the protection of relics, culture-oriented tourism and environmental protection, and strive to transform itself into an international culture-oriented tourism destination along the Silk Road Economic Belt to lead the development of the culture-oriented tourism industry in Northwest China.

An important center along the Silk Road Economic Belt 

Relying on Xi'an Xianyang International Airport, Xixian will build an aviation city experimental zone and open direct international air routes to Central Asia, West Asia and Europe. It will promote the construction of railways and highways to connect West China with West Europe, so as to serve as a transportation hub along the Silk Road Economic Belt. 

With abundant energy resources, Xixian will try to encourage the SCO Energy Club to settle in the area and build a national-level energy reserve base and trading center as well as an energy, finance and trade center along the Silk Road Economic Belt. 

With the Fengxi Information Industry Park as the carrier, Xixian will develop information technologies such as cloud computing, Internet of Things, e-government and e-commerce, open an information sharing channel and build an information sharing center along the Silk Road Economic Belt. 

Relying on the West China S&T and Innovation Port, the Fengdong S&T Demonstration Base and the Sino-Russian Silk Road High-Tech Industrial Park, Xixian will build a platform for sharing S&T resources. 

With the International Cultural and Educational Industrial Park as the carrier, Xixian will build towns emphasizing Silk Road culture and boost Silk Road tourism to attract experts, scholars and university students from the countries along the Silk Road to visit Shaanxi and study and get training here. It will establish a training center for administrative personnel from Central Asia and West Asia. With these efforts, Xixian hopes to form an international platform for exchange in culture and education.

A national-level trade zone to explore innovative urban development 

With the goal of innovative urban development and building a modern city with developed agriculture, Xixian is committed to reducing land use and improving the land’s human carrying capacity.

It will adhere to the overall planning for its development, strictly control the boundaries of urban development, establish a system with a point layout of towns and be committed to a new people-oriented urbanization path that promotes industrialization, informatization, urbanization, agricultural modernization, environmental protection and cultural heritage. 

It will coordinate development in urban and rural areas, accelerate the residentialization of agricultural transfer population, deepen reforms in rural land management, develop urban agriculture and gradually narrow the gap between urban and rural areas in terms of basic public services.

It will integrate industrial development and urban construction by developing emerging industries and employment-oriented labor-intensive industries. 

Government institutions

According to the "Opinions on Promoting the Development in Xixian New Area" (Shaanxi [2017] No. 3) issued by Shaanxi provincial Party committee and Shaanxi provincial government in Jan 2017, Xixian can independently deal with its administrative and social affairs while under the jurisdiction of Xi'an and it has undertaken all the duties and functions entrusted by Xi'an and Xianyang, except for the work of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. 

With five new cities and 22 towns under its jurisdiction, Xixian has set up 18 departments, one directly affiliated institution, 19 subordinate management service agencies and six comprehensive committees with different functions like planning and construction, ecological protection and social governance. It aims to streamline government administration and build an efficient government system.

Leading industries

In accordance with the principle of resource integration, dislocation layout and cluster development, Xixian will make the most of industrial resources in Xi'an and Xianyang, focusing on independent innovation and building an innovation-driven industrial system.

It will vigorously develop modern urban agriculture, accelerate agricultural industrialization and improve agricultural productivity. It will give top priority to the development of industries including high-end equipment manufacturing, new information technology, biomedicine, energy conservation and environmental protection and build a center for emerging industries.

It will boost industries like e-commerce, information services, culture-oriented tourism, trade fairs and energy finance to turn itself into a center for modern service industries. 


In Xixian New Area, roads at four levels are built: express roads, main roads, secondary roads and branch roads. The express roads and main roads form a skeleton road network featuring "five horizontal roads and five vertical roads". As of the end of 2017, 507 kilometers of roads in the urban area have been built. 

Among them, Fengjing Avenue (Fengdong-Qinhan section), Qinhan Avenue, Fuyu Road, Fuyu Bridge, Zhengyang Bridge in Wei River, Hongguang Bridge, etc. are open to traffic, Zhengyang Avenue, Fengjing Avenue (Jing River section), Hongguang Avenue (Fengxi section) are being built at a faster pace and the Weihe River Interchange in Baomao Expressway and the Airport Expressway in Qinhan are under construction.

Ecological environment

Xixian attaches great importance to environmental protection. Following the natural landscape pattern and a modern planning concept, it combines countryside and urban features to build a modern pastoral city.

With an investment of more than 4 billion yuan ($5.84 billion), Xixian started projects to treat Wei River, Feng River and Jing River, conducting a 38-kilometer project for flood control and landscape, completing the comprehensive treatment of the 7-kilometer Feng River and building parks like the Feng River Wetland Park.

It continues to increase green space and accelerate the three-year plan for greening Xixian. It implemented 110 greening projects, building 14.7 million square meters of flowers and trees, adding 6.19 million square meters of green areas and starting the construction of a central park with a total area of 3.3 square meters in 2017.


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