Shanxi Province

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Shanxi promotes culture with Imperial Palace

Updated: Mar.26, 2018 Print

Shanxi Provincial Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Imperial Palace on March 24, Xinhua reported.

According to the agreement, the two sides will cooperate in the fields of protecting ancient architecture, restoring cultural relics, exhibitions, digital displays, cultural and creative products, and research and development.

Lou Yangsheng, governor of Shanxi province, and Shan Jixiang, dean of Imperial Palace, attended the signing ceremony with both delivering speeches.

Shanxi attaches great importance to developing its culture industry into one of the province's pillar industries, said Lou.

Preferential policies and services will soon be launched to boost the development of the local culture industry, he added.

Shan expressed his appreciation for the achievements that Shanxi has made in the protection of cultural relics, as well as the integration of tourism and culture. He pledged to further push forward the transformation and upgrading of Shanxi's culture industry.

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