
Li ethnic culture takes center stage at Hainan Fashion Week

Updated: Apr 23, 2024 By CHEN BOWEN in Haikou Print
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Models walk down the runway and pose at the closing show of the 4th China International Consumer Products Expo Fashion Week on April 18. [Photo provided to]

The fourth China International Consumer Products Expo Fashion Week closed on Thursday morning with the "Encounter Changjiang" runway show. As the highlight of this year's Fashion Week, the event showcased the rich Li ethnic customs and the exquisite craftsmanship of Li brocade and Li pottery.

The fusion of traditional techniques and contemporary fashion vibes created a display that celebrated the heritage and artistry of Li ethnic culture. "The fashion show aims to showcase the captivating fusion of Li brocade, Li pottery and other intangible cultural heritage of Changjiang Li autonomous county with modern fashion design, thereby presenting the beauty of Changjiang, Hainan province, and China to a global audience," remarked Wang Changjiang, deputy head of the county.

At the show, Hainan Lizhiyun Cultural Communication Co unveiled a series of outfits blending Li ethnic characteristics with modern fashion trends. The outfits incorporated the traditional weaving skills and patterns of Li brocade into popular elements to resonate with young people. One outfit amalgamized Li brocade romance with the seaside mushroom house, an internet-famous check-in destination in Shayutang Village of Changjiang Li autonomous county.

Tang Lijin, a designer with the corporation, emphasized the importance of the expo and fashion as a global exchange platform. "It's a great opportunity to showcase China's high-level ethnic clothing at such a prestigious event to enhance the world's understanding of Chinese culture," she said.

"We are committed to developing an array of innovative products that extend beyond clothing, encompassing soft furnishings for the home and other lifestyle items. Our aim is to seamlessly integrate the essence of Li brocade and other intangible cultural heritage into diverse aspects of everyday life, creating a harmonious fusion of tradition and modernity in various settings," she added.

Catherine Cooke, Foreign Principal and International High School Division Principal at Hainan Yingya St Peter's School in Haikou, expressed her delight in getting to know the Changjiang region at the China International Consumer Products Expo. "We very much look forward to deepening the school's connection with Changjiang and playing a part in the future growth of the county's children and teachers. We also hope to integrate the rich Li ethnic culture into our school's education and spark a strong and meaningful rapport with the students through this unique cultural heritage," she said.

The Li brocade, with its history spanning over 3,000 years, embodies China's earliest textile traditions. It is revered as a "living fossil" in the annals of Chinese textile history. In 2009, UNESCO included the Li brocade on its intangible cultural heritage list, declaring it to be in need of urgent safeguarding. Black, red, yellow and blue are the traditionally dominant colors of Li brocade, which were extracted from plants in ancient times.

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