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Taiwan compatriots impressed by congress report

Updated: Oct 18, 2022 By Liu Kun in Wuhan, Hu Meidong in Fuzhou and Zheng Caixiong Print
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Taiwan compatriots on the Chinese mainland expressed their excitement and sense of encouragement after watching the live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which opened in Beijing on Sunday.

They noted that words such as "cultural confidence", "spiritual affinity" and "utmost sincerity" were listed in the report of the congress and that they guide the CPC's work on Taiwan affairs and the development of cross-Straits relations in the new era. They also reflect the concept of "one family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits."

"The majority of Taiwan compatriots have a vision of the future, as they cannot be absent in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation," said Hsiao Yung-ray, president of Wuhan Taiwan Business Association. She said the report shows the perseverance, steadiness and seeking of truth from facts of the CPC Central Committee in a complex international situation, and pointed out the direction of the Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots.

While promoting the peaceful and integrated development of cross-Straits relations, the motherland has also implemented policies benefiting Taiwan island and its people to truly achieve the ideal of "one family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits", Hsiao said.

Hsiao, who is originally from Wuhan, Hubei province, is honorary principal of Meiga Polytechnic Institute of Hubei. She returned to her hometown at her father's request to start a business in 1992. Having worked in the central metropolis for about three decades, Hsiao said she has always been a genuine Wuhan resident.

Su Ching-chang, chairman of Wugongji Food Co, said the importance attached to Taiwan work in the CPC's report will certainly promote the continuous deepening of cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation.

"I am much honored to be able to witness this important event. The majority of Taiwan compatriots hope that the motherland will become more prosperous and stronger in the future and that exchanges and cooperation between Taiwan and the mainland will further expand," Su said.

The mainland has a vast market, and he has gained a lot from investing in the mainland over the years, Su said.

"Many of my Taiwan friends now also want to develop their businesses on the mainland, and I will try my best to introduce the mainland's development policies and invite more Taiwan friends to start businesses in Wuhan in the years to come," Su said.

Wu Chia-ying, president of the Taiwan Businessmen Association in Xiamen, Fujian province, said the majority of business representatives from Taiwan were excited after listening to the report.

The report proposed that CPC and the motherland would always respect, care for and benefit Taiwan compatriots.

"We are very excited and feel warm after listening to the report. It increases our confidence and motivation to take root in Xiamen and make contributions to the country's development and reunification," he said.

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