
CPPCC members: boost TCM publicity and education

Updated: May 29, 2020 By Zhu Linyong Print
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Zhang Qicheng, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, wants to include TCM-related curricula in primary and middle school textbooks. He has also proposed to construct a National Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a key venue for further popularize TCM among the general public. [Photo/]

However, since the outbreak in January, Chinese internet users have engaged in a massive, trenched dispute over the role TCM can play in preventing and treating lethal, infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Meanwhile, heated discussions occur among friends, colleagues, and even family members, local media reported.

Some insist TCM is incapable of preventing and curing acute and infectious diseases and can be helpful only in case of chronic diseases. Some hold that TCM therapies are mostly inconsistent and unstable in terms of effectiveness and safety. Some believe TCM drugs "only have a placebo effect" on COVID-19 patients. Still some even go so far as to label TCM as "pseudo-science" or "witchcraft".

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