Letters from govts to expats about health and work

A message to visitors to Hainan from outside Chinese mainland

Updated: Mar 12, 2020 Print
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Recently, under the strong leadership of the central government and the massive support from the international community, people in Hainan have been fighting against the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) epidemic along with people nationwide. Our vigorous efforts have delivered positive results. As of March 3, 2020, Hainan has seen 13 consecutive days without new confirmed or suspected cases.

It's clear that the world still faces a severe challenge in fighting against COVID-19. Confirmed and suspected cases are increasing rapidly in some countries and regions, demonstrating a growing spread momentum. Some countries have raised  the outbreak alert to the highest level. The risks of cross-border spread have drawn global concern.

A common enemy of human beings, COVID-19 requires our concerted efforts for its prevention and control. While maintaining strong measures itself, Hainan will facilitate information sharing and joint prevention and control with other countries and regions concerned, as well as providing assistance within its capacity. Hainan will make contributions and collaborate with the international community to take necessary measures to eliminate cross-border spread risks for winning this epidemic battle and getting international personnel exchanges back to normal as soon as possible.

Accordingly, we'd like to offer a special reminder to people outside Chinese mainland who plan to visit Hainan shortly:

1. According to Hainan's regulations related to epidemic control, all the ones from outside the mainland must truthfully complete the Entry/Exit Health Declaration  Form when entering Hainan and report to the customs their identity information,  residence in Hainan, contact numbers, travel purpose, and health-related  information (including personal health status, travel and residence history in the affected countries/regions over the previous 14 days, exposure to COVID-19 patients or patients with fever or respiratory symptoms).

2. Related departments of the Hainan Provincial People's Government will continue paying close attention to the latest developments of the epidemic worldwide and the arrivals entering Hainan. If necessary, health  evaluation and management services will be provided according to the regulations on differentiated prevention and control that depends on the epidemic severity of different places. Corresponding measures will treat both Chinese and  foreigners equally. With our care for your own health, we hope incoming visitors cooperate and understand our consideration for the measures.

3. Please take strong self-care by minimizing outdoor activities, avoiding crowded places, and having neither gatherings nor eating together. When going out, it's a must to wear a face mask properly and discard used masks in a required manner. Maintain a good hygiene habit with special care for hand and mouth cleanliness. Avoid exposure to wildlife and birds. Meat and eggs can only be eaten when thoroughly cooked.

Please pay close attention to the notices released in Hainan on the epidemic prevention and control. We appreciate your understanding, cooperation and support for our control measures. We stand ready to provide  dedicated services to friends coming afar and help you overcome difficulties and  problems in this process. Any problems during your stay in Hainan, please contact:

1. Foreign Affairs Office of Hainan Province

Contact numbers: 0898-65238116, 13518863232

2. Foreign Affairs Office of Haikou City

Contact numbers: 0898-68720231, 13976181801

3. Foreign Affairs Office of Sanya City

Contact numbers: 0898-88292438, 13876669487

If you've got any symptoms of fever, cough, chest tightness, fatigue, please wear a face mask and come to one of the following designated medical facilities for diagnosis and treatment:

In Haikou:

Hainan General Hospital (Chinese characters and  pronunciation: 海南省人民医院, Hainan Sheng Renmin Yiyuan); Contact number: 0898-68642548

Haikou People's Hospital (Chinese characters and  pronunciation: 海口市人民医院, Haikou Shi Renmin Yiyuan); Contact numbers: 0898-66151100 or 66151200

In Sanya:

Sanya Central Hospital (Chinese characters and  pronunciation: 三亚中心医院, Sanya Zhongxin Yiyuan); Contact numbers: 0898-38226026 or 88290120


Hainan COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

March 4, 2020

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