Scenic Spot

Jiangwan Scenic Area, Jiangxi province Print
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Jiangwan Scenic Area, Shangrao

(婺源江湾景区 wù yuán jiāng wān jǐng qū)

An ancestral hall in Jiangwan Scenic Area [Photo/VCG]

Jiangwan Scenic Area, a national 5A scenic spot, is not only an ancient town with a history that stretches a thousand years, but also a living folklore museum. The folk custom museum collects and displays cultural heritages and the town with so many ancient buildings is still liveable.

The town is a grand garden of Hui-style architecture that preserves a wealth of ancient buildings, such as ancestral halls, memorial archways, ancient theatres, ancient houses, waterways, gardens, etc.

Folk customs and historical heritage here is embody traditional Hui culture. Folklore hides deeply in the life of the masses where it is passed down from generation to generation. One of the famous local folk performances is the Tofu Shelf, which is originally the tool for making tofu. Every year during the harvest festival , families in Jiangwan ancient town will celebrate with the Tofu Shelf performance that brings three generations together. Sculpture is another traditional skill of the Jiangwan people. The place produces She inkstone, one of the four famous inkstones in China.

In addition, other activities including Nuo dance, Taige performance, and tea ceremony reman traditional features of this ancient town.

The Hui-style architecture of Jiangwan Scenic Area [Photo/VCG]
A beautiful autumn view of Jiangwan Scenic Area [Photo/VCG]

Scenic spot level: AAAAA

Ideal sightseeing season: March to October

Opening hours: 8:00- 18:00 (Mar 1- Nov 31); 8:00- 17:30 (Dec 1- Feb 28)

Ticket: 60 yuan ($8.71)

Address: Northeast Wuyuan County, Shangrao, Jiangxi Province

1.Wear comfortable shoes.
2.Visitors are not allowed to drive cars into the scenic area.

Last Updated: Dec 19, 2018

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