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Intl wrestlers to compete in Shanxi

Updated: Jun.14, 2018 Print

The China stop of the UWW Women's Wrestling Ranking Series will be held in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, between June 22 and 23.

According to the schedule, 100 athletes from 15 countries and regions will take part in training from June 16 to 21 and compete with each other in the following two-day event. The competition will involve 10 levels and numerous group awards.

It's an opportunity for Chinese athletes to improve their skills and prepare for the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020 as well as for Shanxi to show international visitors its culture, said Wang Fu, deputy director of Shanxi Sports Bureau at a press conference on June 6.

Performances featuring regional culture in Shanxi will be staged at the opening and closing ceremonies of the competition. Participants will also get to try various Shanxi food specialties during the event.

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