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Taiyuan's first international cultural exchange base established

Updated: Apr.13, 2018 Print

Taiyuan's first "China Overseas Chinese International Cultural Exchange Base" was established in Qinglong Ancient Town on April 8.

The Taiyuan base is one of the 164 international cultural exchange institutes that has been recognized by All-China Federation of Returned Overseas since November 2014.

The base will serve as a platform to promote the culture of Shanxi province and boost cultural exchanges among domestic and overseas Chinese.

Shanxi is a province with a long history and profound cultural background. 13 of the 164 recognized "China Overseas Chinese International Cultural Exchange Base" are in Shanxi.

Qinglong Ancient Town used to be a site integrating military defense, culture communication, commerce and trade in Taiyuan.

A total of 150 representatives of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas, Shanxi Provincial Overseas Chinese Federation and local cultural institutes, attended the opening ceremony of the Taiyuan "China Overseas Chinese International Cultural Exchange Base" on April 8.

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