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Shanxi brands to be promoted at ASEAN

Updated: Mar.23, 2018 Print

Shanxi will showcase its brands and products with 26 local companies during the 2018 China- ASEAN Expo in Cambodia from March 29 to April 2, according to a press conference in Taiyuan on March 21.

During the expo, more than 1,000 products in 12 industries including processing and machinery, glassware, food and medicine, and outdoor products will be displayed in an area covering 360 square meters.

As Shanxi has carried out a series of opening-up events, measures and policies, including a brand promotion event –– Shanxi Brands Silk Road Tour –– communication and partnerships between Shanxi and ASEAN have been furthered.

As a result, investment activity between the two sides has grown increasingly active. Trade volume between Shanxi and ASEAN amounted to 9.27 billion yuan ($1.47 billion) in 2017, representing year-on-year growth of 11.3 percent, with import volumes up 29.85 percent year on year.

Apart from taking part in the China- ASEAN Expo, Shanxi will hold activities, such as an international cooperation promotion conference for Shanxi competitive industrial projects, a Shanxi-Siem Reap trade and cultural tourism promotion conference, and a business matching meeting.

Shanxi will mainly promote six local companies' joint projects in new energy, biochemicals, photovoltaic power, agricultural technology and financial services during the international cooperation promotion conference.

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